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Satellite Internet

Anyone have experience with IPOS (Internet protocol over Satellite) technology? I have a chance to pick up a contract job but would need to be able to have remote access to their system. Can't get cable or DSL qwhere I live so satellite is my only option. Any info, good or bad would be appreciated

Re: Satellite Internet

My next door neighbor moved to a remote location in southern Virginia and is using Hughes satellite internet service for his wife’s business. Hughes

Re: Satellite Internet

I am using satelite internet access at home. I have the Hughes 1MBS system and have been very satisfied with the service. We have had some pretty good snows with no loss of service and the speed of the connection is A LOT faster than dial up.

Re: Re: Satellite Internet

As Grey Ghost and Sammyslapper have noted Hughes is the biggest player in Satellite internet. The big thing is you need a good antenna mounting location that has a clear view of the southern sky...the satellite is geostationary over someplace like Houston. You'll also want a buddy to help if you don't buck up for the "professiona" instllation to help you aim the dish. One person needs to look at the screen while the dish is getting moved to find the best signal. I'm ultimately going this route for my property in Maine...

Re: Re: Re: Satellite Internet

Eric where in maine do you go?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Satellite Internet

Thought about service through your mobile phone provider? Couple of the big-wigs on the jobsite I'm at have their laptops mounted in their cars with constant service through a "cell phone" plugged into the computer. They said the cost was like 60 bucks a month for unlimited service. Not sure of any specifics, but they seem quite satisfied with it. Not sure how it compares to satellite connection in use or cost... Just throwing the idea out there.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Satellite Internet

Ive got a wireless card that plugs into my laptop and works faster than dial up but its limited to sprint area network but works pretty good .

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Satellite Internet

No cell service where I live, satelite was the only option. When they installed my system there was a blockage to the primary satelite, so the installer called up hughes and set me onto another bird. The service is great!
