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Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Hey folks, wondering if anyone can help me out. Had big plans to buy a Grady for fishing Winni. Well, after much discussion, the wife, kids, and I agreed that a Pontoon would be the best all around boat for everyone(in other words, I lost....)
Anyway, was hoping to get some suggestions if any of you have set one up for fishing. Mainly what I am looking for is some advice for mounting/setting up the downriggers. I haven't bought them yet as I am not exactly sure which ones I am going to get.

Any of you fish with a pontoon? If so, can you offer a fellow NH guy some advice?

If it matters, I purchased a 22' Playbouy fishing pontoon with the fishing seats inside the rails in the back. Thanks..

Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Look at the "show boats" section on the home page. You can see John Sampson pontoon and how he has it set up.
He will chime in here and will answer your questions. I think he is selling some mounting gear you may want to jump on.
Good luck with the toon!


Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Thanks Brad-

I found the pictures of john's boat just after you posted. John-if you are out there I would love to pick your brain for some ideas and if Brad is right, and you do have some mounting stuff for sale I am very interested.

I have some rod holders set up in the rear of the boat which I will likely move midway up on the sides. what I am realling looking to buy is some downriggers, along with some advice on mounting!

And if i could put together a wish list...I would love an enclosure like John has for those freezing cold early mornings!

Re: Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Let me tell you from experience that Big John has the utimate in comfortable fishing and my days fishing the barge have all been the most productive days of my fishing career! John knows how to set up a fishing boat, believe me!
Throbbin Rods

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Most Def. wait for Big John to answer ya, his barge is the ulitimate in comfort (yeah I've fallen asleep on it LOL) and it is a good set up the way he has it. Take Care God Bless and Congrats on the new boat. LOL Dave

Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?


Like they all said...Big John has a great set up. He fishes all morning then takes his wife and grandchildren out on the lake for some fun. All it takes to transform the fishing rig to a pleasure rig is about 5 minutes. He just revamped the rig and has some cool stuff that will make the Barge even better. I would bet that if you drove your rig to his house and left it there with lots of money you could pick it up a couple of weeks later all tricked out...he would probably include lures.

Do yourself a favor and spend a day or two on his rig before you start...you won't be disappointed.

Build it and the fish will come.


Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Hi there, I deep sixed the 16ft starcraft a year and a half ago and bought an older pontoon boat, what an awesome fishing boat it is. (not nearly as nice as Big Johns)but I transformed it to a center console and made a rail out of pressure treated wood around the outside back rail,there is a door in the middle of the back of the boat which makes it easy to net and acsess the motor. I have 4 downriggers on it two Penn electrics and two Cannon manuals, they come off easy so all you see are the bases and even with them on they are out of the way from the inside of the boat!All in all it is a great family/fishing boat a win/win!

Re: Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Sorry for the delay, been busy putting a few finishing touches on the Barg, re-did a few things, then spent the day down the Cape "road testing" it.

Not sure where you live, but you're welcome to visit me anytime at my home, it's not back on the Lake yet.

Call me and we can talk about some stuff, Forry's boat is real nice too, he calls it the "Back Porch", he lives in in Mass, I live in Billerica, Mass.

You wont be sorry you lost out on a Grady, great boats (my dream boat) Pontoons are suoer fishing boats, handle great in rough water and even better for family boating.

Call me 978-667-3117, home most of the time now.

Johh S.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Thanks John, I live in Litchfield, NH a couple miles from the Manchester Airport. Just on the other side of Hudson, NH. I will call you soon. I really appreciate the offer.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

My pleasure.

John S.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Thanks John, I live in Litchfield, NH a couple miles from the Manchester Airport. Just on the other side of Hudson, NH. I will call you soon. I really appreciate the offer.

Re: Ever set up a pontoon for fishing?

Sorry I missed your call Ryan, it was an in and out day. Not sure when is a good time to call you so I'll wait for your call.

John S.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

Hey folks, wondering if anyone can help me out. Had big plans to buy a Grady for fishing Winni. Well, after much discussion, the wife, kids, and I agreed that a Pontoon would be the best all around boat for everyone(in other words, I lost....)
Anyway, was hoping to get some suggestions if any of you have set one up for fishing. Mainly what I am looking for is some advice for mounting/setting up the downriggers. I haven't bought them yet as I am not exactly sure which ones I am going to get.

Any of you fish with a pontoon? If so, can you offer a fellow NH guy some advice?

If it matters, I purchased a 22' Playbouy fishing pontoon with the fishing seats inside the rails in the back. Thanks..