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Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Trying a little experiment at home, and am looking for an example of that box with the foam slits in it for lures? I can't remember the name of them to save my life. Anyone Remember??????? Thanks Take Care God Bless LOL Dave (Lure Caddy, or something like that ?????????)

Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Saw them on www.walleye.com
Its easy to find. I dont remember the name either.

Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Dave, is the spoon caddy the one? Check http://www.olepetestackle.com/

Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Dave, I made my own by heading to Joann's fabric and bought a Sterilite container (13"L x 9"W x 6"h) and the green foam the couch cushions are made out of. Slice the foam 7 times and you can carry at least 90 top guns with out a problem. The total cost is around $12.00 I think but will give you something to do until ice out. PS. you can fit up to a 5" lure in that size container and the handel on the top helps keep the lures from moving around vs the side handel.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Bass Pro has a knockoff spoon caddy for sale. Not as nice, but would work.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Tom O,

The one from Bass Pro looks pretty good and it's made by Plano so I'm sure it's decent quality.

I did talk to Mike this mornong at Warrior Spoons, he was on his way to yet another show out there, he promised to get my "all glow" samples out tomorrow so that I would have them for the Gathering. Be great to can get them in all the popular Fishlander colors and try a few of thier colors too.

John S.

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Replying to:

Bass Pro has a knockoff spoon caddy for sale. Not as nice, but would work.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

The bass pro box is fine. I just didn't think the insert was as nice as the spoon caddy. It was a lot cheaper though.

Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

I use the Spoon Caddy's (big and small) they are super. But before anyone runs out and buys one or makes one, you do not use a split ring on the line end so that they slide into the slots. They are only for guys that can sleep at night by using snap swivels, most guys feel they have to "TIE" on each spoon, I do not.

John S.

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Replying to:

Trying a little experiment at home, and am looking for an example of that box with the foam slits in it for lures? I can't remember the name of them to save my life. Anyone Remember??????? Thanks Take Care God Bless LOL Dave (Lure Caddy, or something like that ?????????)

Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

I can post pics of the box I made if someone will tell me how and you can use lures with split rings.

Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

Tom If you could that would be awesome, I'm always looking for projects to do when I have a few extra minutes (not often LOL) If you have a photobucket account it's easy to post a pic on the board. I beleive there are directions on the site somewhere, If not ask gus he's the resident pro when it comes to posting pics LOL Thanks for the suggestion, the foam is what I am having a hard time finding, tried some think insulation foam but it is to rigid Thanks for the suggestions Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

After having purchased two Spoon Caddies several years ago, I'm about to make a few more using the foam from an old Boat Throwing Cushion. The nylon cover deteriorated by the closed cell foam is in very good shape. They actually use two pieces of foam, each 14 X 16 X 1 5/8; enough for 3+ boxes.

The Plano boxes are available from Cabela's, they're model # 3731, $5.99 a piece or 6 for $24.99.... I ordered some this morning !

With all this new capacity, now I'm afraid I will have to fill them...Oh well, it soundsK339 like there will be a lot of new choices and flavors available this year !!

See you all next Sunday !!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Looking for the name of a Tackle Box??????

need help posting pics

need help posting the pics

Dave, got the pics

Dave, here are the pics for you hope the help call with any questions. -Tom
