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Welcome Fish Lake Winni Anglers
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Captain Phillips rescue has made my Easter...Happy Easter and tight lines to all.

i am sure we can all come up with ways to stop future pirates...unreal!


Re: Rescued

Got to love the Navy Seals they are the true Hero's here.God bless the armed force's


Re: Rescued

Erin, I'm looking at Tuesday, call me when you can.

I hope the Lake is open all the way ???

Big John

Re: Rescued

Got to love the Navy Seals they are the true Hero's here.God bless the armed force's


You Got it Erin. Could not agree with you more.

I hope all those same slime ball politicians (who want to cut the defense budget and make Veterans use private insurance to pay for their injuries) stay out of the picture and let the BRAVE MEN OF AMERICA have the stage.

Re: Rescued

God Bless them!!!!! Good shooting!!!!
