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Tuesday report and highlites

Fished with Floydo and Erby Joe on Winni. Slow day but we did manage to get into double figures. Typical cold water day, but a beautifull day on the pond, felt good.. Fish were "all" on the thin side except last years yearlings, they were super healthy but still short, maybe about 12", didn't take the time to measure them, all fish were released.

Water temp ws 37 to 38 degrees, fish were about 5 to 10 feet down, best fly Red Grey Ghost tandem, one fly was hit so many times we had to cut the 2nd hook off and it still took a couple of fish afterwards.

Rasberry and Orange Guide Specials and mini-BB Gun same colors, took most of the others. Most of the fish came off the boards, 2 and 3 colors, 2 off the riggers at 10 feet. Jason at Paugus Bay picked the Rasberry and Orange as a hot spoon color over a year ago and was been hot all of 2008 and so far this year, s super spring color combo.. Little Warrior Glows have been hot previous trips this year, but it was so sunny yesterday we didn't put any out.

My shake down saga continues and now extends off the water.
On the water: still having a few transducer issues, new configurations not working well, back to the drawing board. Electrical issues seem behind us. New Digitrol 4 riggers are working super now that we are used to them, can't wait till the fish go deeper for the full benefit..

Off the water:
Not sure what the hell I was thinking, but in the early morning, I turned the lights on my truck on with the switch instead of auto on/off feature. By habit when we arrived, I just locked the truck and got on the boat. When we got back, of course battery was stone DEAD, called AAA, took them a long time to get to us, but we did eventually get on our way.

As ususal, many, many laughs for the day, highlight was Floydo sitting in the front seat of the AAA truck with a Black St Bernard (bigger than him). He had walked out to Rt 25 to wait for the AAA truck so they could find us easy. After a long wait the guy shows up in a truck that looked like it could use AAA itself, an old mini cheve pickup, no tow truck, no emergency beacon light, nadda.

So in the small front seat of that mini-truck is Floydo, a huge Black St Bernard and a guy that looked like he walked out of the movie Deliverence, you had to see it to appreciate it,lol. We are still trying to figure out why it took a 1/2 hour to drive in from Rt 25 on the 1/2 mile driveway, but the dog and driver both had big smiles on thier faces. Floydo on the other hand looked a little out of sorts, hair messed up, shirt torn, etc.

But all in all it was just another great adventure on "The Barge".

Big John

Re: Tuesday report and highlites

And the adventure continues?????? Now that is some funny stuff right there LMAO Don't feel bad Big John, It's happened to all of us at one point or another LOL Remember last season's derby when the float got stuck on the tubb and we couldn't use the big motor? Yup been there done that LOL Take care god bless LOL dave who still hasn't been on the lake yet UGHHHHHHHHHH

Re: Tuesday report and highlites

Hey Big John, that dog wasn't in heat was it. That might explain Floydo's appearance. :>)

Re: Tuesday report and highlites

Is Floydo talking yet,or was the trauma so severe it will be a month before he comes out of it???lol.polebreaker

White Cap
Hey Big John, that dog wasn't in heat was it. That might explain Floydo's appearance. :>)

Re: Tuesday report and highlites

Not sure if he was in heat yesterday, but seems like he is most of the time.

There was one other thing that was happening on the boat did not mention that you might be familiar with, someone was having a problem with gas.

Big John

Re: Tuesday report and highlites

Too funny, Big John!!
Come to think of it, I was a little sore when I got home.

See my side of the story just posted.

Re: Tuesday report and highlites

Come to think of it I don't think I ever saw a dog with that big of a smile before LOL.
And all I can say about the gas is Thanks god for the outside :)


Re: Tuesday report and highlites

Just make sure nobody has eaten beans the night before and usually you'll be all set. I too have been on the Barge when the gas was enough to knock you out ROFLMAO Good Memories LMAO Take Care God bless LOL Dave