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Finally got reply from Bravenet!

Bravenet says they are working on all of the issues that we didnt like! Good to know they are taking our thoughts into consideration. They are also working on many other cool features. 1 example is that for up to 1 hour after a post you can edit or delete it yourself. a few others that I may look into are embedding it right into the site itself and having categories such as a seperate board for people selling things. Thanks for the patience,

Re: Finally got reply from Bravenet!

the site absolutly does not work in aol, trying this post with ie. in aol i cant read or post.

Re: Finally got reply from Bravenet!


What version of AOL are you using? I'm posting this in AOL 9.5 with no problem.

Re: Finally got reply from Bravenet!

ive got 9.0 and its working today fine, and the posts are showing as read after reading them which makes things good again.

Re: Finally got reply from Bravenet!

Yes, but those that I read yesterday, still come up as new.
If you read all of the different posts under one thread, only the first will the new be erased, all the others will still show as new.
