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Message board

Is it me or when a reply is made does it move the whole thread to to top of the message board, if so, I love that feature. I'm going to do a little test of my own to see if it does..

Big John

Re: Message board

It works, new replies to a post go to the top, that is SUPER.

Big John
(liking the new format more and more, so far)

Re: Message board

hey john.

looking down the board just a bit i see threads where late entries to the thread did not move up to top of
the thread...and did not move thread itself to the top of board.

Am i getting a bit slow? Or did the whole thing with the dog and the one-armed man leave me disoriented ? That can happen to squirrels.

Re: Message board

I don't know, but it seems to move to the top for mine as well as your lst reply.

It does not move the reply to the top, but the whole thread (I think)

Gotta fly and work on the Honey Dew list so I can get way without a concience, may sneak in a few things f my own too, lol.

Big John

Re: Message board

I here ya.

Re: Message board

Floyd I don't know about the dog thing but your kinda looking more and more like that squirrel on your post LOL LOL

Re: Message board

Must be the mustache