Welcome Fish Lake Winni Angler's

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Welcome Fish Lake Winni Anglers
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Fish On with Pics YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW is all I can say we have been doing very well aboard the Cool Water. Boating some nice fat Bows and Salmon........ Fish On!

Two nice twin back to back Bow's


Here is another Big Lake Winnipesaukee Laker!!!


This was from this evening fished two hours and crushed them So Fun!!! Except for the Thunder!!!


Cool Water Charter's

Re: Fish On with Pics YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice pics... did you make that girl wear the pfd crooked all day? Geez, thought you'd be nice enough to help her buckle it up correctly. LOL. Glad to hear you're getting into the fish!

Re: Fish On with Pics YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that's the MOJO. Love the way the Rainbows fight. Nice fish Trav. It is great to see the smiles on the faces of the people that you share this sport with.