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Re: The last Salmon

sorry to hear your father passed glen.but by the sound of the memory you wrote.it sounds like you have a lot of great memories.to reflect on.my best to you and your family.joe s..

Re: The last Salmon

So sorry for your loss Glen and we will be happy to carry on the legacy of talking to the salmoneer on the water.polebreaker

Re: The last Salmon

Sorry to hear of your loss, you will always have the memories of the times you shared with your dad. I too have many fond memeories of fishing with my dad and I know that is why I fish today and continue to fish with my son. God Bless!

Re: The last Salmon


I am very sorry to hear of the passing of your dad. Your post hits close to home. He sounded like a great man who took the time to get his son's involved in the sports that he loved and had a passion for. Count yourself lucky that you were given a gift that you can enjoy and share with your children and grandchildren. Thank your dad every time you pick up you fishing rod or shotgun. Keep his memory alive.

My heartfelt condolences,

Roger Bellerose Jr.

Re: The last Salmon

So very sorry to hear about your loss, Your Dad was a great man whom I enjoyed talking to immensely. I met him about 4 years ago, and loved him from the moment I met him, He was just like talking to my Grandpa (old school) all over again, and always more then willing to try to give you a hand to catch more fish. He will be sorely missed by all who had the privelage of knowing him. Carry his handle Proudly, as we will all think of him whenever somebody calls for the Salmoneer while out on the water. My deepest symapthies to you and your entire family. May God Bless you and give you comfort through all the Great Memories you have made throughout all these years!!!!!!!! Take Care God Bless LOL Dave

Re: The last Salmon

Glen, so sorry for your loss. Your story has taught me to cherish every time my dad and I get to wet a line together. I too can remember the first salmon that I caught with my dad, and always will. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: The last Salmon

Glen, sorry to hear of the loss of your dad. Reminds me of the first fish I caught with the help of my dad so many years ago, and all the times we fished together while he was on this earth. Calo P.

Re: The last Salmon


At times like this I wish I could come up with the words to heal your wounds and make everything OK again. As I can't find those words I just want you to know you are a very good Man, Friend and Father your Dad undoubtly is proud of you and what you have acheveied. So because I can't find the words I will just say this, that One more Salmon is always out there for you and with your Dads spirit you will take to the water's and make him and the great spirit smile down upon you each and every time!

Your good friend Travis

Re: The last Salmon

Very sad to hear this news, Glen. I talked to your Dad many times on the radio and he offered helpful tips to me. I will miss him. My deepest condolances to you and your family... Doc GOD SPEED SALMONEER

Re: The last Salmon

I'm sorry for your loss Glen. You should treasure every memory of your father and always remember that he'll be with you every time you are out there on the pond or in the woods. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

Re: The last Salmon

So sorry for your loss. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
The memories and love of the outdoors that your Dad intoduced you to will live on for ever as well!
Keeping his handle alive is a great tribute!

Re: The last Salmon

Very sorry to hear the news Glen. I recall seeing your dad fishing around Cow/Little Bear in the spring each year. Thoughts are with you and your family. Back in the 70's my dad and I each had a rod made by "Salmoneer" . Wonder if your dad did too.

Re: The last Salmon

Thank you all for your kind words thoughts and prayers. They mean a great deal too myself and my faimly and have help us though this dificult time.

Proline the Salmoneer rods are from sombody my Dad took his handle for and old salmon lure the Seneca Salmoneer

thank you all again we will see you on the water thursday am
