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Sunday Morning HELP

Quickest trip of the season so far...launched at 4:30 and back on the trailer at 4:35. Steering controls on 115 Merc. frozen solid. Could not turn the wheel 1/4 inch. Waiting for my mechanic to wake up. Has anyone ever experienced this, and if so, what was the fix??


Re: Sunday Morning HELP

Get your but out fishing more often !! If your steering froze you are not using it enough.

Re: Sunday Morning HELP

I was hoping it was an electrical issue, but it wasn't!! CALL ME!

Re: Sunday Morning HELP

Dors this have a cable driven shaft that goes through the motor attachment tube like an evinrude? If so the bore on the motor is probly rusted up and possibly the steering cable too.Remove the steering cable from the motor and see if the wheel turns easily,if so the cable is ok and the tube's bore will need to have the rust removed....a small bead hone or large drill bit the size of the bore would do a good job.remove as much rust as possible,pack the bore with a good quality grease,reattach cable and grease that some more and check opertion .If ok grease several more times during the year.hope that helps

Re: Sunday Morning HELP

Thanks Dave! I actually loosened the nut where the cable attaches to the drive arm and pounded on the other ened of the arm with an axe for about 5 minutes with half a can of penetrating oil. This loosened everything up and allowed me to turn the wheel again! My mechanic will be over to Never Ceases the entire linkage this week. Had a great trip on the water this morning boating several "quality" Salmon. Steering controls worked super...thanks again, Greg

Re: Sunday Morning HELP

AHHH rust ain't it wonderful????? Glad to help.polebreaker

Re: Sunday Morning HELP

Seems to be quite a problem, I was wondering if this boat has ever been sank before. It seems the more times the boat has been sank the more this problem persists. I know of someone who has had this problem before.

Re: Sunday Morning HELP

The boat loves the water....can't keep her out of it...I just figure that it is looking for the next fish she is going to catch!!