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Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

Just purchased the Slide Diver Lite Bite and am wondering if anyone is using one and if you have had any success. Plan on using this with mono and trying to get it down to the 30 - 40 ft range. Seems like a nice add to the spread, any info would be appreciated.


There is a guy (Hammer) works with Charlie (Benson) Charters that runs them and likes them very much and runs them on Winni. He came on my boat once and showed me how to set em up, etc. On my own I managed to loose them later, they are a little tricky to set up at first, so being confused I gave up on them. Dipsy's or Dive Bombs seemed easier to attain the same result, but I hardly use these anymore either.

Sorry I can't be more help, but I'm sure Charlie will ask Hammer come on, he may in fact still monitor the web site himself.

Big John

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

I tried them when they first came out and quickly found out that they will snap lite test line easily when they release and slide to the stop. $18 bucks gone. I do like the concept though. Big John introduced me to dive bombs which I like better and are easier to use as long as your not solo. Cal P.

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

Cal or Big Jon do the dive bombs also take the bait away from the boat???BARRY

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

Cal or Big Jon do the dive bombs also take the bait away from the boat???BARRY

No, but you an run them off the boards to get em out, 3" dipsy's are good for getting them away too, I have em but they sit in my bag.

I run 4 to 6 lines most times, 2 Rod pumpers, 2 G2's off the riggers and if needed depending on the time of year, 2 stacked lines or 2 off the boards. So thier is only so much technology you can use at the same time, ha,ha. I have all the other stuff if I feel like changing things up a bit. but as I use allmost exclusively streamers now, I use whatever I can to keep them moving, pumping, jigging, back and forth, up and down with the Digitrol IV's, etc. Moving bait catches fish when all others fail, but I'm considering DYNOMITE lately.

Big John

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

John you forgot the shrimp. If your going to catch fish you need shrimp on the barge.I think thats why fishing has been slow.

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

triple D
John you forgot the shrimp. If your going to catch fish you need shrimp on the barge.I think thats why fishing has been slow.

Good point.

Have a nice vacation in Maine back woods, send in some reports.

Big John

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

Try the Champ site. I know a lot of guy's use them there.
Also check the Slide Diver site. They have some tip's there as well. Good luck.

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite


E-mail me on this I can help....... Dale [Hammer] is my co partner at work! He can help better than I can. I will introduce you to him!!


Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

I've run them. The concept is great, but they are a little tough to run by yourself. Kind of a handful. Much easier for me to put out a dipsy.The guy that designed them told me that I should at least use 20lb mono for the main line.

You'll find a little piece of vinyl tubing and a spring that comes with your lite bites. The spring is to be used with mono and the vinyl tubing is for braids or wire. Hope that helps.

Re: Slide Diver Lite Bite

Thanks for all the input. Hope to try it out this weekend and will let ya know.
