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Friday Nite Squam Rookie Rpt

Trolled tonight from ~5 to 8:30pm. 2 rods, 4-7 colors, one setup with a red beaded grey ghost behind a flasher, other with a white rainbow dotted db smelt. Caught two ~2.5lb SMB on the streamer setup(one about 5:30pm, the other at 8ish, 6 and 5 colors). Caught one 16" Bow on the db smelt at 5 colors at ~6:30pm. Snagged bottom, lost the db, switched to a perch looking 61 gun and caught a little runt bass to finish the night "un-squammed."

Re: Friday Nite Squam Rookie Rpt

Trolled tonight from ~5 to 8:30pm. 2 rods, 4-7 colors, one setup with a red beaded grey ghost behind a flasher, other with a white rainbow dotted db smelt. Caught two ~2.5lb SMB on the streamer setup(one about 5:30pm, the other at 8ish, 6 and 5 colors). Caught one 16" Bow on the db smelt at 5 colors at ~6:30pm. Snagged bottom, lost the db, switched to a perch looking 61 gun and caught a little runt bass to finish the night "un-squammed."

Things will pick up soon, the May Fky hatch is alive and well and kills that lake, been about 6 weeks now. If you had a fish finder you would see enough smelt down there for all the NH lakes region to thrive on, that lake is unbelievable as far as bait goes, more and more every year and with lack of "two" year classes they are not in any danger.

Keep at it, "be there when they are ready".

Big John