Spent the day on Winni, met my wife and 15 mo old daughter for lunch at town docks then took them for a boat ride trolling the bay from 1-3pm, 6-8 colors, grey ghost behind flasher on one and a perch 61 gun on other. No fish bites but the high boat traffic definitely bites particularly when boaters don’t know 150 feet. I know 150’ mainly because I bow hunt and 50 yards is near my range for a 3D target and way too far ethically for a live one. Otherwise, without that frame of reference, I can understand some room for error but there were a few too many weekend yahoos on that lake for me blasting by within 50 - 75 feet. I should note the vast majority were safe boaters (rotten apples/spoiled bunches applies). My kid seemed to love all the rocking and rolling though so that was cool. I dropped wife and child back at the town docks and went out to the broads. Trolled from 4:30 – 8:30pm, 7-9 colors both with streamer/flasher setup with no bites. But, at least the boat traffic died down and it was a beautiful evening. From other reports, perhaps I was too deep? Despite the reports of excellent winni fishing, I think I’ll stick to my ‘home’ lake for now until spring or maybe a weekday. If I want to experience traffic chaos, I’ll drive to Boston. :-)
Welcome to the wonderful world of Lake Winni in July! LOL! I haven't been there since mid May for this very reason. The Yahoo's don't have a clue on that lake its a miracle there isn't more accidents.
I would recommend hitting up the lake after mid september or maybe on a weekday. Many less yahoo's. Fall Foliage is really nice and its too cold for the yahoo's!
Are you still fishin "blind", if so you still don't have a clue what's under the surface. So when in Boston, "dodging the traffic", head down to Bass Pro and do some shopping for GPS/Sonar, lol. It will realy make it allot easier for you, however you will still have days when there are tons of fish and bait, but no takers. But at least you wont waste much time in water with no fish showing and you'll have a better idea how fast you are going. Make sure a unit is on Santa's list. But I think you can do pretty good on E Bay.
I have a seat for you Saturday if ya want to fish the home lake
Thanks John, the sonar/gps is first on my list, hopefully by next Spring. In the meantime, I've been going more and more with streamers per the advice that they are a little less speed sensitive (relative to a spoon anyway). I do look forward to a seat on the Barge again someday soon but I'm on baby duty this weekend. BTW, I was out waterskiing last night on the little lake and saw the the Barge in non-fishing mode. Looked like folks were having a nice time but didn't see you. If you were there, I was the Lund buzzing by (at a safe distance, of course) towing the kids (big and little).
Thanks John, the sonar/gps is first on my list, hopefully by next Spring. In the meantime, I've been going more and more with streamers per the advice that they are a little less speed sensitive (relative to a spoon anyway). I do look forward to a seat on the Barge again someday soon but I'm on baby duty this weekend. BTW, I was out waterskiing last night on the little lake and saw the the Barge in non-fishing mode. Looked like folks were having a nice time but didn't see you. If you were there, I was the Lund buzzing by (at a safe distance, of course) towing the kids (big and little).
That would be my son Richard (the only non-fisherman son) is up on vacation, only time the Barbie gets used,lol. We have a 21' Supra (ski boat) in-board like new that we keep in the boat house that he normally uses, but once in a while he likes the Barge, he's getting a little older (40sh) and his daughter is too young to water ski yet.
Any time you're able, don't hesitate to ask, always looking for partners this time of year.
I'm covered for Saturday now, but always an extra seat on the Barge, good bite or not, love to have guys on that like to talk fishing.
That is your best bet, GPS/SONAR first, then the rest, streamers can be used at any speed under 4 mph, have fun.
For what its worth, I was talking with a marine patrol officer once about the 150' rule and people's disregard for it or inability to know how far it really is. He told me as a rule of thumb, to someone with average eyesight 3" block boat numbers are distinguishable up to 150'. If you can read the numbers, you are inside 150'.
For what its worth, I was talking with a marine patrol officer once about the 150' rule and people's disregard for it or inability to know how far it really is. He told me as a rule of thumb, to someone with average eyesight 3" block boat numbers are distinguishable up to 150'. If you can read the numbers, you are inside 150'.
Good to know, we had another wild weekdend on Squam with the Yahoos, getting bad. They dont like slower boats like mine and pass no matter where or how close.