There is a message board for Champlain where you can get the latest info. I forget the addy but it will show up in a quick search. As far as places to stay I can tell you that most of the places we saw on the VT side near Burlington a little north and south, do not cater to fishermen. Most parking doesn't facilitate a car and trailer. First place we stayed was a motel 6 where we were conveniently parked in when going out to fish in the morning. Next place we rented a rustic cabin at Apple tree campground. Which they inform you when you arrive that you can't bring a boat into the camp ground it needs to be stored (for a fee of course)in a rock quarry. Still searching for a decent place and didn't see anything down rt 7 that stood out as boat friendly. Anyway for spots if you can get over to Valcour Island that area is good and the Converse bay in Charlotte is pretty good as well.