Fished Ossipee with Forry on his new to him boat yesterday. Landed 4 rainbows, 4 salmon 1 pickerel and a bunch of white perch. fish were at 8 colors on the lead and 40- 55' on the riggers. Most of the production was by Forry, I hate to admit it but he has shown me up the last 2 outings. If you think he was hard to live with on this site try being schooled by him in a 17' boat.....there is no way to turn him off!!!!! haha
Saw Joe G and his friend out there they were having a good day. Nice lake with hardly any cold water fishing pressure but alot of bass fishermen and rec boating.
What did you think of the lake? Nice view huh? My buddy got an 18 inch salmon the following day and a small brown. It's been pretty slow all week. Saw an eagle pick off a small fish that day we saw each other. I'll get in touch when things heat up and you can hop on my boat for a day. Joe
What did you think of the lake? Nice view huh? My buddy got an 18 inch salmon the following day and a small brown. It's been pretty slow all week. Saw an eagle pick off a small fish that day we saw each other. I'll get in touch when things heat up and you can hop on my boat for a day. Joe
Sounds good Joe,
liked the lake alot, I know a few people up in that north west corner (little Danville).
We had steady action most of the morning. We had to go to the marina on the other side of the channel to buy a battery. There was a section of water in front of the marina that was 70' deep, we were wondering how the fishing was there? Have you fished that other bay on the other side of the channel from the main lake?
hey joeg i was speaking to ilucus on mff and he told me to contact you about trout fishing on ossipee. we go there every year with my family and stay in deer cove but only seem to catch bass and mostly white perch but never tried for trout. i would love to learn to fish that lake for trout but i only have the pontoon boat. what size lead line do i need? setup? lures? thanks kevin
18 lb test on the lead. Any Top Gun lure does well. Troll the Main Lake in 30-50 feet of water. 2-2.5 mph is fine. If your pontoon goes faster, fish streamers. Where is Deer Cove? Is this the Main Lake? The lake doesn't really have a thermocline because of the huge amount of cold water being pumped in by the Bearcamp River. So, you have to do some experimenting with how many colors of lead to fish. Last year I was getting salmon just under the surface in July. In August, 6-7 colors was the trick. This year there isn't much of a flow from the Bearcamp with the lack of rain. I got a 17 inch and an 18 inch salmon today with 8 colors of lead out. Let me know when you go and if I'm up there I'll hop on your boat and show you a few spots.
sorry i could not hook up with you last week. i had no access to a computer but we did manage to hook 2 salmon last mon am on 6 colors of lead line with blue/silver top gun. missed 3. all fish were released. didn't know the limit so i played it safe. went out again on wed and trolled for 3 hours with 1 hit. we were doing the same exact thing and nothing. stoked to get my first trolled salmon. thanks for all the help.
hi joe g. deer cove is on the main lake about 1/2 way down on the left side as your heading north. we got 2 salmon on 5 hits on 6 colors on 8/2. then got 1 hit with 0 fish in 3 hrs of fishing on 8/4 doing the same thing. tried mixing up the depths,speed, lures and covered more area but they just were not cooperating. did i see you out there on mon. where you alone with downriggers.