between 5 and 8 am almost every fish comes off the jiggerboard, after that change to a pumper and a stacker jigger. been fishing the pumper with three colors lead in the morning and changing to wire in the afternoon. dad runs the quick jig planer and that is his newer model design as well, doesnt dive like the earlier couple we had on that side of the boat. dont know if the quick jigger is working better than the 8 foot jig and stall as its dads first year with wire line and wire is tough when you first start using it, lots of tangled birdsnests LOL he will get the hang of it or the reel will go overboard yet. the jiggers with lures seem to work better some days than others compared to just trolling the lure, but change to flies and there is a night and day difference using the jiggers, never caught so many salmon with flies. i heard there was a new adjustable prop coming out which should be good, been experimenting with speeds and propsize and that seems to make a difference as well as the season changes
between 5 and 8 am almost every fish comes off the jiggerboard, after that change to a pumper and a stacker jigger. been fishing the pumper with three colors lead in the morning and changing to wire in the afternoon. dad runs the quick jig planer and that is his newer model design as well, doesnt dive like the earlier couple we had on that side of the boat. dont know if the quick jigger is working better than the 8 foot jig and stall as its dads first year with wire line and wire is tough when you first start using it, lots of tangled birdsnests LOL he will get the hang of it or the reel will go overboard yet. the jiggers with lures seem to work better some days than others compared to just trolling the lure, but change to flies and there is a night and day difference using the jiggers, never caught so many salmon with flies. i heard there was a new adjustable prop coming out which should be good, been experimenting with speeds and propsize and that seems to make a difference as well as the season changes
The variable speed prop is clsoe to prototype I think. I'm using 95% streamers and still fishing top 30/40 feet, if I go deeper (which I doubt) I might use mre spoons, maybe glows. I have so many (100's)spoons just sitting there it's a sin.
I agree early morning is the ticket with the G2 Planers, but we do equally as well sometoimne with the pumpers, we run em both (2 each) anyhow, then we fish riggers if fishin 6 lines. Then later we will go to the G2 Stackers over blades and just bebind, sometimes we will run two stackers sometimes a G2 Ball and a G2 Stacker.
This past weekend we ran 4 lines over blades with Chamberlain new stackers and releases to see if hardware would make a difference in the slow bite, nadda,switched to streamers behind the blades and still nadda.
I really think the Streamers look more like a smelt in the water than any spoon can, except maybe a DB or BB Gun. And as speed is not an issue with Streamers it's a win-win set up.
Have you tried tried the Cognac (I always want to spell it Congnac, lol) that has been hot for us, 3 weeks now, we have been taking Big John's off and running Congnac early, then back to Big John's and Maynards if the sun is out.
Have to get you out on Squam someday maybe next time Paul comes up.
dads been fishing the big john and cognac, ive been fishing an orange ghost?, a brown ghost, and the silver doctor, and one that was labeled 2008. have some more on order this week. hope they are still on top, hate catching them deep when the water is this warm, makes the release more difficult
I hope they are still up top too, I think they will be as we are gettin a cold front tonight, which could mean "no fish" tomorrow,ugh.
So far fishin solo this weekend, all my regular partners are busy, but I have a few invites out. So I better hit it right early with only two lines. But mother in law is itchy to fish, afternoons only of course, ha,ha..
I think two G2 Boards, probably Cognac and Big John will do the trick early.