Joe center harbor has plenty of parking early (if salmon fishing earlier the better)Meridith bay isn't too bad again early launch can be tricky depending on size of your boat,it also can be mobbed coming off.Those are the two I use lakers in the bay last Sunday laying on the bottom in 60 to 68 FOW if that helps something orange in color in that area,if you have vhf most of the form regulars monitor ch12 shout out someone will talk to you I'll be there or Newfound both days this weekend.
I will have to get a radio then as it seems to be a good way to get real time fishing report:)I have a 14ft smokercraft aluminum v hull so its not very big. Have you caught any salmon at Newfound? I find that ramp at Wellington to be easy access for the most part but I saw there was going to be a Bass tourney there this weekend but none at Winni which is why I thought it would be a good weekend to get my feet wet.
Last time we went to newfound, as long as you got there early, you missed most of the Bass anglers, and they for the most part were very nice and let us skip ahead of them as they were preparing all of there stuff and we were ready to go. Another good landing (though it will cost you a little I think it's 10$ can't remember?) is Shep Browns boat basin. Beautiful launch, and it brings you right out in the bay at Bear Island, which isn't far from broads, 5 -6 mile islands etc... Guy that owns sheps is a really nice fellow as well. Good Luck out there, Take Care God Bless LOL Dave
Personally I like the private launches. I launch from Downings's Marina in Alton. when there early I always have no problem and John and Nancy are super nice people. If your there early they have a drop box to put your 20 bucks. I like it because its not busy and your not rushing around and in most cases its super easy in and out. I'll be there Friday morning with Tessie.
I dont mind paying to get a spot at least you dont have to wait. It would be worth the money to get out there when the fishing good first thing in the am. Thanks for all the help. I had good luck using the mooslook thinfish on the Rainbows do you think it would be a good salmon spoon as well?
I dont mind paying to get a spot at least you dont have to wait. It would be worth the money to get out there when the fishing good first thing in the am. Thanks for all the help. I had good luck using the mooslook thinfish on the Rainbows do you think it would be a good salmon spoon as well?
I have a small box full of those Mooseluck thin fish (about 3") terrific looking spoons and paint jobs, never caught a **** thing on them (ha,ha) many roads to Rome. If they catch Bows they will catch Salmon.
Put DB's, BB Guns, or Mini BB Gun's down, Orange and Gold or Rangley, etc. or Any of AJ's popular streamers, Red Grey Ghost, Maynards, etc. you'll hook up with Salmon.
I ahve never trolled with flies. do you use them just like you would a spoon or lure? I may have to order some. Is there somebody local I can support that ties them? Thank again.