I'll e mail you in private, sometimes I talk too much about products here and lately G2 has got plenty of ink. I asked them to answer you directly, Paul said they would, but I'm not sure if they will do it here or in privtae.
But briefly if this guy has only a short time to fish, I'd go with what you are familiar with and play with the G2's another time. They can take a little playing with to get it down pat, enjoy the day.
They can be run close above blades, far back if yu want, mono or in-line lead, etc. etc.
I sent you an invitation to fish Squam on "The Barge" and I'll run you through all the G2's, Jim Rod pumpers, Digitrol IV's, etc.
Hi Bob-
The G2jiggers are simple to use and with just a little practice you will get the hang of it. Plus your fishing partner will have a trip he will not forget.
If you are using lead core let out 4-5 colors and then clip it into the release on the jigging cable. Lower it in the water 3 feet or so and observe the jigging action so you get a feel for what is happenning. Now lower the stacker 10-15 deep. This puts your lure at 25-35 feet down depending on boat speed. Don't worry about boat speed just don't go to slow. Salmon like fast. The G2 increase the lure speed to 1.5 times the boat speed every cycle and then stops it dead imitating a wounded fish. As you lower the G2 be sure to let line out of the reel, you don't want it to tight and pulling up on the jigging cable. If you dont have a fish on in 30 minutes change the lure.
thanks for your help, made out pretty well boated some real nice salmon largest on the jigger being a 22" fatty, only 2 runts the rest in the 19 to 20" range, one lake trout and one large white perch