great report...I tried to fish the other end of the day - starting at 4 and going to 8 with nothing to show but a 6" smallmouth. I was dragging 6 colors of leadcore and dropping my riggers to 35 and 40 feet (one with vertical attractors and one without). Pulled white perch flies and all my best color spoons but not even a release.
It was VERY rough out when we started at the south end of Rattlesnake. Boat wakes and wind kicked up big waves for my 16 ftr and it was dangerous at times. Amazing how close some of these 25+ foot deep v's will come to a small craft on the outside edge of Rattlesnake. Not like there isn't LOTS of room to get around me. I guess that's the price I pay for fishing Winni on a weekend afternoon.
I know the feeling even when we left the lake the boat wakes were bad and that 150 foot rule does not exsist i guess if you are fishing.Lots of room between rattle snake and moose but they always seem to pass right next to us.Labor day is coming and then they will be gone.B-man