sorry i could not hook up with you last week. i had no access to a computer but we did manage to hook 2 salmon last mon am on 6 colors of lead line with blue/silver top gun. missed 3. all fish were released. didn't know the limit so i played it safe. went out again on wed and trolled for 3 hours with 1 hit. we were doing the same exact thing and nothing. stoked to get my first trolled salmon. thanks for all the help.
hi joe g. deer cove is on the main lake about 1/2 way down on the left side as your heading north. we got 2 salmon on 5 hits on 6 colors on 8/2. then got 1 hit with 0 fish in 3 hrs of fishing on 8/4 doing the same thing. tried mixing up the depths,speed, lures and covered more area but they just were not cooperating. did i see you out there on mon. where you alone with downriggers.