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Thursday report -- Skunked!

Fished for two hours this morning from 6:30-8:30 -- nothing. Not a hit. Hope you had better luck.


Re: Thursday report -- Skunked!

i also fished this morning from 730 to 11 and got one salmon.. Caught him with a firesmelt with 8 colors of lead.. only fish and only hit of the day... Going to newfound lake this weekend.. this will probably be my last trip for salmon this year see you all in april!!!

Re: Thursday report -- Skunked!

4 Salmon and about 10 lakers today.


Re: Thursday report -- Skunked!

Salty.. were you fishing black point this morning? Think I seen you in the white striper fishing boat.. I was the kid in the small red aluminum starcraft..

Re: Thursday report -- Skunked!

Yes. After we left there we trolled back to Diamond.
