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Re: Lake draw down

I'm heading up again this weekend, I may have to move my boat to a friends dock on the main lake.

I'd be nervous about loading and unloading even with the nice facility in the channel, I have to pull mine out at some point in Ostober, but I may have to leave it in all year, lol.

I've talked with allot of folks, everyone is frustrated and the guy in charge is an idiot, I talked to him many times in the past, he just don't care and thinks he's doing his job.

I sent a e mail to the Dircetor of Fish and Game yesterday, maybe others should, but I doubt they even talk to each other, let alone listen to each other.

Glenn Normandeau

The Comissoner for the area name is Robert Rowan, Chairman of the Fish and Game Commissioners and also Sandwich resident, fishes Squam. All I have is a phone number, no e mail address, call and give him an ear full maybe he can help ????

Carroll County
Robert Rowan, Chairman
958 Mt. Israel Road
Center Sandwich, NH 03227

They say it is for landowners to do beach Maintenance, I'd like to see what would happen if someone tried to dump a load of sand on their beach in these times, I'm sure it's illegal.

Bob Rowan just got back to me, he's well aware of the lake level and concerned as much as we are, he might ring it up at a Fish and Game comissioners meeting. Not much can be done for 2010.

Big John

Re: Lake draw down

D.E.S job is only to let water out of a lake. They don"t know how to put it back in.If we don"t get any snow this winter. We won"t have to worry about it the lake will be dry.

Re: Lake draw down

Thanks to all for the info on Squam.I'll post Friday my results when I get home.Haven't been Salmon fishn'in a couple weeks. Bobby

Re: Lake draw down

I just drove by the river between Little Squam and the dam. The river is almost dry. The river between the dam and Ashland is completely full and almost overfull. I used to see that river very low.
Riveredge marina may not be able to have boats go there???


Re: Lake draw down

I noticed that too, when do we normally see that portion, just before Ashland dry-dry-dry, stumps etc. I thought it was fall but I must be wrong.

Big John

Re: Lake draw down

Thanks for the water level info,much appreciated.Wyatt's Flys was Squamed on Friday with a few fish dropped. Saturday were able to muster a few Rainbows.All released but one bleeder. Bobby