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Re: Lake draw down

D.E.S job is only to let water out of a lake. They don"t know how to put it back in.If we don"t get any snow this winter. We won"t have to worry about it the lake will be dry.

Re: Lake draw down

Thanks to all for the info on Squam.I'll post Friday my results when I get home.Haven't been Salmon fishn'in a couple weeks. Bobby

Re: Lake draw down

I just drove by the river between Little Squam and the dam. The river is almost dry. The river between the dam and Ashland is completely full and almost overfull. I used to see that river very low.
Riveredge marina may not be able to have boats go there???


Re: Lake draw down

I noticed that too, when do we normally see that portion, just before Ashland dry-dry-dry, stumps etc. I thought it was fall but I must be wrong.

Big John

Re: Lake draw down

Thanks for the water level info,much appreciated.Wyatt's Flys was Squamed on Friday with a few fish dropped. Saturday were able to muster a few Rainbows.All released but one bleeder. Bobby