He's gone. I tried getting in there with the bow at O'Dark Thirty one morning. I setup in a little 'ground blind' on the edge of the field (basically a punch of thick pine sapplings) near where he would have entered. Although not ideal, my tree stands are all hung. I guess I need a spare. Anyway, he was a no show so I then tried still hunting in there but he's gone. It is such a small area, I would surely have jumped him. Oh well, I've seen a ton of deer this year (mild winter last year?). Seen at least 1 every day out so far, all does (as far as I know, had crosshairs on one at first legal light with estrous out near a scrape, thought it would surely be a buck but I couldn't make out any antlers in the barely light at 80 yards. 3,2,1 gone. So, not much time to decide.) Weird thing happened to me yesterday. Spotted a doe frozen at 40 yards. We had a staring contest until she slowly walked up to me to about 8 yards. She won, I backed off and she walked away. :-) I must have been the first human she ever seen, very weird. Good luck guys!