I have never seen a mountain lion; but know a very reputable person who has also. I spent the afternoon hunting locally and saw nothing, I did push something over a ridge but only heard the ruckus.
One of my buddies just came home from Colorado with a 5x5; while he gutted the elk his hunting partner left to get some frame packs at camp to move the meat, a half hour later a red fox came running up to him and the kill stopping 20 yards away (boom), then 20 min later a coyote did the same thing (boom!) The next morning he woke up and filled his bear tag. I saw this same friend drop a running buck with an open sighted muzzleloader at 150 yards with a neck shot, and a few years before that he killed two does standing side by side with the same gun on a pass through shot. Also, since technically this is a fishin site- I was watching some salmon spawn in the river yesterday when I spotted a rainbow cruisin by that was pushin 8lbs by my guestimate.
Since I'll be thinking about it in the woods- is it legal to kill a mountain in NH?