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Re: AJ's ??????????????????/

Merry Christmass and a Happy New year John. My comcast phone on the wall's been given me trouble.Tried calling you earlier this week. I'll try to call you in the morn. It won't be early.

Re: AJ's ??????????????????/

I'll be around, Happy New year.

Did you get in touch with Jim, he's been trying to contact you about your rod pumpers.

Also there is something else I wanted to talk you about.

Big John

Re: AJ's ??????????????????/

John Sampson
Does anyone know what's up with the phone at AJ's ???

I get a fast busy which indicates a problem on the line, but once in a while (a long while) it answers.

I told Allen about it, he said he didn't know of any trouble.

If anyone stops in, can you have him call me, thanks,



Big John

I did get AJ's answering machune to pick up after hours and left my message, hope he got it.

Big John