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Re: From AP Update

Got to be carefull.Mac and I have been fishing the nelson end since 1/1 there is 10 inches of ice everywhere on the nelson end.The hancock end ALWAYS freezes later and can have ice 10 inches in one spot and 2 in another.We will move to that end later in the year.When the ice is better.Couple of years back 2 trucks and a tow truck went to the bottom.I think they have closed it to trucks after that.We have been catching a few lakers,no rainbows or salmon yet.Mac has pictures of this weekend I will let him post pictures.Good luck to all and be carefull B-man

Re: From AP Update

Thankx for the Nubi. update B-Man. Havn,t fished there for awhile, but Nubi. was one of my favorite hardwater lakes. Cal P.