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Re: Big John

I just got a place in Florida, West Palm beach area, have you located a dock and what do they rent or sell for?

Re: Big John

John, congrats on the warm weather hideaway.You,ll find the boat your looking for sooner or later. Enjoy!! Cal P.

Re: Big John

Congrats Big John on the Florida spot. Take your time finding a boat. One will fall into your lap that makes you happy. And the fact of the matter is you probably are better off buying one up here and bringing it down with you. I have heard from many people that boats down there get 5x the use that boats up here get.

Re: Big John

Big J; I know a dude that would tow a boat from NH to FL. after deer season. (Resonable $)

Re: Big John

Big J; I know a dude that would tow a boat from NH to FL. after deer season. (Resonable $)

Careful what you say, I just might take you up on it. Looks like my wife wont be joining me the first two weeks and the last two, so if you are serious you can stay and we can both learn how to fish Florida Bays and Backwaters.

I spoke with the guy doing our fish and he hadn't got them back from the guy that was going to do molds of them yet. Saw Forry's skin mount, looked great glad we went with skin mounts.

More later,

Big John

Re: Big John

I just got a place in Florida, West Palm beach area, have you located a dock and what do they rent or sell for?

We got lucky and found a house with a lift on a channel on Marco Island. Looks like docks are about 300.00 a month at Marinas or 10 to 15 bucks a foot per month, good thing is they can be rented by te month. Boat and trailer storage in boats yards are about 125.00 a month, actualy found one in Naples for 45.00.

Good luck, google boat docks in south Florida or use Craigs list.

Big John

Re: Big John

Big John,
Now that you have a great place in Florida, are you going to host the February RFP gathering in Florida?????

Re: Big John

The old fisherman
Big John,
Now that you have a great place in Florida, are you going to host the February RFP gathering in Florida?????

Sure just bring your own boat, I might not have one, slim pickensdow here for the right boat unless you go new, ugh..

Big John