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Help! need riggers for derby!

Hello all.. i was wondering if anyone out there had 2 manual downriggers they want to sell pretty cheep for the derby.. I'll be fishing with a partner and running 4 ledcores could be a mess in a small boat.. if anyone has even just one rigger it would help a lot thanks.. you can contact me at mrrguitar@gmail.com if you have something.. good luck at the derby everyone!!!!

Re: Help! need riggers for derby!

I have an old Cannon and a real nice Penn - Price for the pair - $150. I have bases for both
Let me know

Re: Help! need riggers for derby!

Yes i'm definetly interested.. You have weights for them to? are they spooled with cable already?

Re: Help! need riggers for derby!

I have 48" cannons with swivel bases...I sold my boat last season $150.00 WITH THE BASES email if interested. I'm in Rochester NH
