Gave The Barge to her new owner today, she will no longer be a fishing machine, 110% pure Winni party barge, she's truly retired now, ha-ha.. A young single guy bought her, does not fish, came to pick her up with a few of his partying buddies.
I told him Winni channel is 12 and if anyone calls out to "The Barge" or "Big John" to put his beer down and answer and tell them The Barge is now a party Barge. Real nice guy, I'm sure he will enjoy Winni on The Barge, I always did.
Gonna miss the old girl. BUT, can't wait to see the new, improved, smaller, YOUNGER, more nimble one, with all her new tricks. Break her in right for us, K?
Thanks guys, we did have allot of good times, and a few nice fish.
I promise the new boat (un-namned yet) will be equaly as comfy, easier to fish out of and and if they leave any 2yr olds, a fish super catching machine.
I like that "thanks to the veteran idea Lou, in my mind it was appropriate.
Have a nice Holiday weekend everyone, Big John's birthday Monday, 39 I think.