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Boat Problem

LCI. I'm fishing the LCI with 4 buddies. I have my boat and there are 3 in my buddy's boat. His boat wouldn't start this past weekend when he took it out for the first time. It turns out that the guy that winterized it didn't do the work and the lower unit cracked. I checked up in Vermont for a rental to no avail. I know this is asking alot, but is there anyone out there that would like to rent a boat or knows of a place to rent a boat for the tourney? These are 3 very responsible guys that aren't going to be drinking or screwing around. JoeG

Re: Boat Problem

Joe I've rented from the Apple Island Resort and Marina in the past. Just over the causeway on South Hero Island. Call Mike Clark (802)372-3922 or 372-8210, he's a good guy and he has some rentals.