Fished until 9 AM on Big Squam. 3 Rainbows and 1 bass. 2 misses. Biggest rainbow was 22" and 4 lbs, 19.5" 3 lbs and a 14" one. The biggest rainbow came on 8.5 colors with a top gun pumkin. The other fish were caught on the riggers, 36-41 ft down. DB lures, one was gold and orange, and the other one pink and gold. We were going 2.0 mph and all rainbows were caught in Deep Haven.
Not on the yanker danker? You must have done up the charlie moore on your lead.......
Nice morning, I got up at 9....Probably about the same time you came out of the cuddy????.....
Great Looking Rainbow! Thanks for the report! From what I've seen on the last few times out, most of the fish seem to be in that 35-40ft down zone. Congrats Again! Nice One!