Maybe all the people who frequent the website could possibly get together at a local rest. to meet up again and trade some derby stories over a good meal and a couple icy one's ? Just a thought as I imagine many of us on the board will be fishing the derby, I had talked with slipknot about possibly going out for a meal but i figure where as we all talk on here maybe we could make a night and all get together? Any Idea's? Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines DAve!!
Hey Adrien, Wouldn't bother me in the least if i didn't live so far away LOL But i would have to get a loan for Food if we had as many people show up like showed up for the gathering LOL, Either that or i would have to find some more Moose and Deer meat LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!! P.S. Get the Yo Adrien out on the water yet?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Just a thought before Derby Get here?
I don't know many of the Rest. down in the Area but it sure would be fun to get a bunch of the Guys/Gals together and shoot the "Bull" Plus we could all see how everybody else is doing!!!!!! I'm all in and would possibly buy a round if it's not more then 300 people LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines Dave!!!!!! P.S. Good thing schools almost over for the semester Salmon Fever has it's hold on me "Hard" LOL