Welcome Fish Lake Winni Angler's

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Welcome Fish Lake Winni Anglers
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Thank You RFP's

Travis and I would like to thank the retired fishing partners for getting the ball rolling for the annual Fishlakewinni.com gathering! It will be taking place on Sunday March, 25th at the Laconia American Legion. We are still in the process of lining up speakers and a food menue, It will be a cash bar to avoid confusion with the not yet established cover charge for the food and room fee. Anyone with any ideas for the meeting are welcome and encouraged! One thought from Cal is to bring the "Take a kid Fishing" program to the next level. Once again we thank the elite RFP's!
Thank you all for your input, A.J. & Travis

Re: Thank You RFP's

I agree with Cal, "Take a Kid Fishing" is all so important, If anyone wants to see how fun and important it is just look at the smiles on some of the kids from the pics on the bragging board. I know first hand from witnessing the smiles and fun my Daughter Amber had aboard the Yo Arian last season, on the day i caught my beast of a laker (and got rid of the Donkey LOL) all the guys on the boat kept giving Amber the rod whenever a fish was on, by the end of the day she was pretty tired but she still asks when she can go on the Mighty Yo Adrian again. If we want our sport's of Hunting/fishing etc... to continue, we need to bring as many "new" youngsters into it. Many of us bring our own children but what about possibly bringing one of their friends who has probably never held a fishing pole or been on a boat? The thrill of Catching that first Salmon dancing all over the water would probably be enough to "Hook" them for life!!!!!!!!!!! Great Idea Cal if there is anything i can do to help at all please don't hesitate to ask I'll do whatever i can. Take Care God Bless LOL Dave From up North Who can't wait for 4/1/07

Re: Re: Thank You RFP's

I thought that besides inviting a kid to go fishing individually, we might want to formally "adopt" a childrens home as the "Fishlakewinni" group. We could offer the opportunity to different children's agencies each year. I'm sure today that it's not just that easy because of backgroud checks, liability, and all that, but I feel it's worth a try.
And yes Dave the kids today are the sportsmen/women tomorrow.
Hopefully we can get someone who is involved in the "Take a Kid Fishing" program to come and speak to us.

Re: Re: Re: Thank You RFP's

I am all for it.
It would probably be easy for me because i have the commercial insurance to take clients along. It might make a difference with the home or agency seeing that?

Re: Thank You RFP's

Will there be the winni.com shirts there to buy or should we just order one?Any info would be great.Thanks


Re: Thank You RFP's

That's cutting it close guys, I read my flight information (without my glasses) and I thought we came back on the 25th. Put my glasses on amd found that it's the 23rd, I'll be there.

Looking forward to meeting allot of the new members.

What a winter, no time for anything, I haven't touched any of my gear since I put it up in October. Last winter I was spending hours every day, all winter on fishing stuff.

So busy this year hardly think about it.

John S.

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Replying to:

Travis and I would like to thank the retired fishing partners for getting the ball rolling for the annual Fishlakewinni.com gathering! It will be taking place on Sunday March, 25th at the Laconia American Legion. We are still in the process of lining up speakers and a food menue, It will be a cash bar to avoid confusion with the not yet established cover charge for the food and room fee. Anyone with any ideas for the meeting are welcome and encouraged! One thought from Cal is to bring the "Take a kid Fishing" program to the next level. Once again we thank the elite RFP's!
Thank you all for your input, A.J. & Travis

Re: Re: Thank You RFP's

Shirts will be available!

Cool Water

Re: Re: Re: Thank You RFP's

Hi Bob,

A shirt I need, but size can be a problem for some of us, I can buy one now and it may or mayn ot fit in June ???? However hats seem to fit everyone OK. I'm working on the shirt size ?

John S.

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Replying to:

Shirts will be available!

Cool Water

Re: Re: Re: Re: Thank You RFP's

Thanks Cool Water.
