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How about stopping all the fishing tournaments year round for a few years that’s when the fish get hit the hardest and they bring out all the rookies who just don’t care ,they come more for the party then to fish !!!
I hate to say it. But how about barbs less hooks.
I crimp the barbs off all my lures.
I still catch fish and I don't loose that many.
Keep some lures with barbs if you intend to keep the fish.
This will not help the short fish that you have to release.
I would think that "barbless" hooks would help hook wounding ??
I think barbless hooks will help the liittle guys the most. A lot less bad hook wounds plus you can get them back in them water faster. Treble hooks do a lot of damage to the little guys.Plus I think a lot less fish will be caught.With barbless hooks.But I guess the main thing is fish and game getting enought eggs.To be able to restock Winni.
I think I agree with lots of your suggestions.
I also have a few thoughts....I think one problem is that the problems we have are that we are a victims of the success of the improved fishery. They talk about 30% of the fish caught are hook wounded....hell..15 years ago 30% of the number of fish I caught would be in single digits!! Also what do the other 70% look like?
We have all become better sportsman and women from my beginng days. I am not suggesting it ...but if we all caught our "limit" and went home instead of fishing all day the number of hook wounded fish would be hugely reduced and more forage fish available.
When I bought and rigged my 17' Starcraft in 1996 and rigged her with two downriggers I was a fishing Machine!!! Now I feel like the worm fisherman left on the dock when most of the the "tricked" out boats troll past me on the pond.
Planner boards, mutiple riggers, jigging boxes, stand up canvas and hardtops(so people fish in any weather, temp probes, and cameras all add to our ability to catch fish!
Like I said I think single barbless hooks , rubber nets and dedicated fisher people , like the ones on this board are the answer.
I would like to ask Don Miller and John Viar ..that if they were given a clean piece of paper to write on....what would they suggest? If it is money , I think we have a powerful forum here and can come up with ideas.....such as an additional tag for fishing landlocks.....Sorry for being long winded but just thought I would throw in my two cents.
I think it is time that the sportsman who regularly catch and release double/ triple digits of LL salmon/day exam their actions...we have become so efficient at catching salmon that we are damaging the resource...just because a fish is released does not mean it is going to survive (read studies about lactic acid buildup and salmon survivability never mind the obvious; hook wounds,stress of being caught, being dragged by the boat etc.) ... if fishermen were to stop at reasonable number caught/ day the resource would be in better shape...of course this means self regulating...Yes I am guilty of catching multitudes during a day of fishing but if the fish is bleeding into the cooler it goes and once the limit is met that is the end of fishing for LL salmon that day...this may mean a very short day on the water...not so good for clients but I can't in good consience throw back a fish that is going to die just so we can keep fishing
Single hook vs trebles...my experience fishing single hook streamers is the salmon are bloodied is just about the often as w/ treble hook
Well we had an oppertunity to particpate (I posted it here along time ago) in the process and we blew it.
I think some good ideas have been posted, I like the combination of no Derby's for a year or two and barbless hooks, both can easily be enforced.
Bigger stocked fish will be impossible for many reasons, cost being #1, space another.
The release time in addtion to hook wound has got to be a killer, barbless hooks will be a huge help in this area.
The "no Derby's" for a year or two will be hard to sell, but I would guess a huge percentage that fish the Derbys don't fish the rest of the year, or very little. So the real Winni fisherman will come out ahead.
Big John
thanks for your insight Big John. i am going to flatten the barbs this season. what's your opinion on single hooks ?? i have never tried them but i realize after talking with John Viar that something needs to be done.
It's not my experience that single hooks do more harm. Matter of fact just the opposite. Much less time getting the fish out of the net because less opportunity for hooks getting caught in the net, and much less time getting the hook out of the fish's mouth. Seems to me that often when I get one hook of the treble out another gets engorged in the mouth of the fish.
I haven't noticed that a large single hook gets swallowed any deeper than a treble hook.
I think there would be less hook damage done to the fish if we all converted to large single hooks with barbs pinched.
Maybe they should limit poles per boat then poles per fisherman!!!
I'll be fishing single barbless this spring...I catch & release almost all salmon anyways so why injure them...
I guess the whole thing is a Catch 22, most of us like to pactice catch and release and think we are doing well by the fishery. But the fish are all hook wounded to one degree or another and might as well have been "harvested".
We try to keep the bigger, older fish (or badly hook wounded) as they are over the hill and wont do much for the fishery except eat precious Smelt the younger more hardy Salmon could be eating.
I've never tried barbless hooks, but I do agree with barbs injuring fish and getting caught in the nets, etc. If we can de-hook "faster" and get them back in the water "faster", use rubber nets, etc. the combination of all three should help the fishery, certainly wont hurt.
I think some barbless hook regulations should be tried and it can be enforced easier than some other suggestions.
We just need more and more and then more again awareness, from Fish and Game, the Bait and Tackle Shops, fishing web sites, sporstman rags, etc.
I think we should all be practicing barbless hooks and promote it as much as possible and hopefully we will see an improvement over the next couple of years if we all do our part.
I still don't know about single or treble hooks, but barbless either way should help. Old Fisherman flatens the barbs down with plyers, so we dont have to change our hooks on spoons and flys we have if that works well.
I do think some common sense in "harvesting" (how am I doing Cal) will go along way too, don't throw all those big boys back put em on yor wall and take the badly hook wounded ones home..
Big John
Do they sell barbless hooks? Single or treble?
Semi-barbless hooks...we flatten the barbs on our plugs that we use for striper fishing because makes releasing the fish much easier... I still think we should self-limit our catch & release/ day for salmon...I'm not convinced it is good for the fishery to catch and release 20-30+ salmon day after day in summer/ early fall when the water is warm
I think F & G laws should require a "limited daily catch" for catch & release...but will fishermen do it ?
Realy tough to enforce, besides most guys are targetting more than Salmon. What about Lakers and Rainbows, wou;d they be included or would it be a Salmon rule alone ??
Allot of people that fish Winni travel 1.5 to 2.5 hours to get there, to catch 2 fish in maybe a 1/2 hour (or less) on Winni, then go home aint happening. Some, like yourself, include an overnight stay in a motel, two quick fish and game over would discourage many out of staters from even buying a liscense.
I think Fish and Game are sensitve to this
and allow more than two fish to be caught by catch and release, better for the area and state economy you could say.
I'm not against it, but realisticly, it cant be policed well and could seriously effect the overall
economy of the area.
But maybe I'm exagerating some ?????
Big John
good point Big Jon. guess i will go barbless and release fish carefully without weighing.
looks like winter is finally here, guess i will hunker down till spring. hope shoulder is improving..
Another suggestion to preserve Lake Winnipesaukee's big fish population and fishery might be to impose a slot limit.
Two possibilities (keeping the min length limit) are:
a) 2 fish allowed, 1 > 21" and 1 < 18" so that all fish in between are immediately released. That includes mortally wounded fish in this size range unfortunately. The cusk would benefit.
b) 2 fish allowed < 19" all fish greater than 19" are immediately released.
Option a may preserve the spawning population which would help stocking efforts. Option b would make sure there are always large fish in the lake for sportmans securing the local economy would have visitors. Albeit - photography is needed to make a trophy mount but it means trophies are still there. The possibility of big fish is what will bring anglers.
Just a few thoughts how to protect a fishery that has recently been pounded. Maybe slot b goes into effect for a few years and then option a takes place.
This type of limit can be enforced although like anytime poachers will occur. But as a lot of the fishery is catch and release, limiting what can be kept can change the quality of the fishery without limiting fishing time and access.
Any thoughts?
There have really been some good ideas posted on here about how to help the salmon population. Here's my 2 cents.
I get to fish maybe 1-2 times a month during the season. I usually have 2 guys with me. My boat is old and only 17 feet long with no open bow so space is at a premium so 3 guys in my boat is max. I bring this up cause I can realistically only fish 4 poles without having a tangle job. I have only 1 manual downrigger so my setup is usually in the spring....2 inline planer boards (NO MAST), 1 downrigger, and 1 leadcore. We very rarely catch double digits like alot of you post and we usually fish from 1 hour before sunrise till 11am. I fish with pretty much the same gear as most of you have I just don't have more or better of it. In other words, if 4 guys are in a boat, it's very easy to run 8 lines if you have the right boat and equip. Between the elec. downriggers, Mast planers and leadcore lines with $1000 GPS/fishfinders, it's no wonder salmon are getting hooked wounded. I'm not knocking the guys who run these setups because they are well within the law right now but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why we have a salmon population with a high hook wound rate.
I propose a change that could easily be enforced by Fish and Game.
1- No more than 4 poles on each boat and 2 downriggers. If you run a mast with planers, only 2 lines may be run from them.
2- Rubber nets are mandatory.
3- Barbless hooks are mandatory.
4- Charters follow these same rules as well regardless of how many guys are in the charter.
5- Limits stay the same.
6- No Derby for 2 years.
I have a feeling if these measures went into effect, we'd all benefit with a bigger and healthier salmon population. Just my thoughts....
I totally agree with you but it wont happen the derbies bring in the money to the locals, the only thing bigger is bike week, also if your paying big money like they charge for a charter you would not go with these limits so its a catch 22, also theres not enough f&g boys on the lake to enforce the rules the Marine Patrol have no power when it comes to fishing all they can due is enforce the boating laws, maybe its time to bring the two together like in MA. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all and God Bless the Salmon!!!
Leave the laws alone and fish for more lake trout and that will help the salmon fishery as all f&g stock right now is laker bait.polebreaker
Here we go again...target the native fish, lake trout, to prevent the decline of salmon (a non-native species)...as stated earlier we need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves can the resource take the pressure of double digit days?...are there enough salmon to go around to support the guides, the Derby and the recreational fishing pressure?
I target lakers as much as I target salmon.I just don't like it when someone wag's a finger in my face and says You,You,you are the reason why there are no fish!!!!!!!! when the problem was first started by stocking fish so small that catching any first year fish is an automatic hook wounded fish that must be thrown back in the lake...I try to practice as much care to not damage them as anyone.Personally I prefer to eat lakers they are much sweeter tasting,but prefer the fight of salmon and rainbow's.Besides aren't we already regulated to death????polebreaker
That is true when your number is up its on to a new life but in the meantime we should be trying to preserve the fishery for the next generation not wipe them out by fishing till the days end by thinking catch and release the fish that survive its my guess at least half these fish die and become food for whatever and the way the Lake is being fished in the last 5 years its sad. The new gadgets helping people to get into the fish are to blame the fisherman with the coin and know how are responsible for the problem
We self regulate ourselfs...we do not put legal size fish back into the lake that are hook wounded or bleeders.I cannot speak for others on this and once and awhile we get our limit and we stop fishing because we don't want to hook wound a fish we can't keep.It is just the little guys that you have to put back...it is those little ones the ones that are hook wounded enough to live and not grow normal that I believe is the root of the problem.I hope the stockers this year that Big John has posted about will be large enough to survive a lure that the last couple of years was larger than the salmon trying to eat it.polebreaker