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Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

Hi Jason, you did not mention the 4 guides that will be on this panel. Do you know who they are, names??


Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

I support a salmon stamp for f&g to be able to put larger fish in the lake and maybe start a baitfish stocking program to go along with that.I would support a shorter season as most of us like to start hunting in semptember anyway.I do not support any rod or creel limit changes.Rubber nets should be mandatory.Barbless hooks and single hooks I'm up in the air on as most of the salmon we see with any damage we have done are on the one year olds.I would support a slot size limit.Dave Paul

Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

I applaud your getting involved on the board, and also the other guides, whoever they might be. My suggestions are as follows.
1. More smelt in Winni.
2. This may be throwing a turd in the pool, but perhaps it is time to think about limiting the number of fish that can be caught and released in one day. Maybe we don't need to catch 20, 30, 50 fish in one day.
3. More smelt in Winni
I gree with what you say about the people not coming, and the lake may correct itself in time, but it would be better for all of us fish folks, and I imagine for the guides especially, if these swings were not so wide and severe.
Bill Finn
107 Cross Road
Lebanon NH 03766
Been fishing Winni since the late 70's
If there is more info that we can oput with these posts that will help the board please speak up.
Throbbin Rods

Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

First of all I think Travis should auction off his high tech fishfinder and donate the money to Fish and Game.

My opinion:
Rod/line limit change, no.

Creel limit, don't care.

Derby cancel or "change format", yes (including ice Derby) more in favor of change than cancel.

Adhere to net results (quality, count, results, etc) and forage count results in determining stock rate for all lakes, including Winni, yes.

Rubber nets, yes

Barbless or picnhed barbs, yes

Some sort of slot limit, yes

Salmon stamp, positively (used for Salmon fishery only)

License hike, yes (same as above, fishery only)

More ccntrol on Stock size (deal with the Gov. agency that's effecting the Salmpn growth in the hatchery now, it's not F and G)

Shorter season, NO,
(I don't even own a gun, bow and arrow or ice fishing tip up, some of us live to fish open water only.

Everyone has same rules and limits, yes

Not sure if I forgot anything, senior momnent.

John Sampson

Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

john, excellent reply. that gives a great idea. if anyone has the time, maybee we could have a questioneer with everything raised and everyone can answer like john did. that would be easy to sum up the results of a bunch of opinions.

Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

Manage some of the other Salmon lakes. And bring back a decent fishery. Or if it isn't possible. Put the time and money into a different fish. Or into Winni. Dont waste it on something that isn'''t going to happen. A few more decent salmon lakes would take a lot of pressure off winni. Dave Cushing

Re: Board for Salmon Relief Project

Hi Jason,
Has anyone considered that the problem of smaller salmon is because of "catch and release". By that I mean more fish are being returned and thus more hook injury is noted. Also its easier to become laker bait when you're a smaller, weaker fish than a robust healthy fish.
Before all the new technology we were lucky to catch two salmon a day, and they were taken home for dinner.

This past summer I stated to my fishing partners that the smelt "clouds" were a lot smaller and fewer of them. Maybe the smelt/salmon ratios are off because F&G are calculating stocking rates on old info. (When more salmon were kept (harvested) there were fewer fish to diminish the smelt population).
Just some thoughts.