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Re: Need some Help

and yes, im on board, let me know what i can do!

Re: Need some Help

Trav et al
Not sure if this is germane or not. Every year F&G has a waterfowl meeting for all of us addicts to go to Concord, see a presentation on the state of the resource, and offer our comments, suggestions, complaints (legitimate complaints only). Believe it or not, the guys at the F&G listen, and often adjust dates or what not on the spot. In addition, there is a chance for everyone to have his/her say. What do you think our chances are of getting F&G to hold a similar meeting regarding the salmon/Trout species in the state, and specifically on the larger lakes. We could send the folks on the aforementioned board to the meeting to represent our viewpoints.
just my .02

Re: Need some Help

I am in and yes even though I am a M******E, my life revolves around that lake and the outdoors in general. I think that fish & game will listen to our observations and ideas and that we should listen to them as well. I will help out in anyway needed.

Re: Need some Help

A fishlakewinni committee I belive would be a good idea. As Travis pointed out we do fish the lake as much if not more than any other group and it is critical that we as a group stick together working for the good of the fishery that we all love. I would hate to see us fracture pitting the sportmen aginist the guides, the live smelt drifters against the hardware trollers, and the veterns againist the newbies that are just trying too learn the sport.

I belive that it is in the best interest of the Lake and our sport that the fishlakewinni faimly speak as one voice that is heard by the people deciding its furture.

Glen Leathers
Island Fishing charters
Fishlakewinni.com Charter Fleet.

Re: Need some Help

Travis,you can count me in to help anyway I can.polebreaker...Dave Paul

Re: Need some Help

I would be glad to help out Travis. I work at the State House everyday and know how laws get passed and agency rules get approved. I'm friendly with many Reps and Senators. I also know Steve Perry, John Varr and Don Miller well enough to know that we have the best guys working on our behalf at F&G. So, count me in if you have room on the committee.

Stan Kelly
Concord, NH

Re: Need some Help

I know I am a youngin' but I'd like to help out. Best summer of my life fishing that lake last year and hope to have many more!

-Cody Dodds
-Kool-Aid Charters

Re: Need some Help

I'd be willing to help out in any way possible, (typing up questions, reports, Anything!!!!!!!!!) And you all know I got a big mouth when I need too LOL Whatever I can do to be of assitance in any way shape or form just let me know Take Care God Bless LOL Dave (and just for Jason, Dave Roberts LOL)

Re: Need some Help

Travis; I,m more than willing to help out any way I can. Cal Preston Epsom N.H.

Re: Need some Help

Good idea I don't know how much I can do living so far away .But let me know if I can help.


Re: Need some Help

I think that this idea of forming a committee is a great one. I hope that there is someone out there that checks this site out and has the knowledge to assist in going forward with this idea. Just a couple of my thoughts as to why I think this is such a good idea. If this is done correctly and is set up with a voting board and had a roster of membership and held regular meetings kept minutes of all meetings, attended F&G meetings as a body it would not take long for people to listen. The whole trick is to do it with numbers. I would think the committee would be better recognized if it was done 100% correctly not just as a organization. This could be something that I believe could have a major input as to how we manage this great resource, not just for what most on here do fishing from April 1st until Sept 30th but show concern and input for the resource for 365 days a year. What I truly believe though is that it would have to be done correct to be heard. I can only hope that there is one person who read this web site and believes the same as we do that something must be done and by forming this committee we can come together as a group and have input as to what we believe is good for the resource. If there is a legal person out there that reads the site please offer some pro bono help here if you would. There are many more reasons to do this as a committee that could be researched down the road. I don't have the knowledge to set it up I have been on committes and see how they work as a group. I hope that this continues to be looked at and I am here to help any way I can. Let's protect our resource for future generations.

Re: Need some Help

You can count me in as well. This is very important to me and everyone. I love the idea of helping out in a committee for the good of all and the future fisherman/girls..... Rick Nantel

Re: Need some Help

This is a good idea Travis, as long as you can clearly define the objectives and keep the focus. Fishlakewinni.com is the perfect venue as all interested can voice their opinions and as you point out some are very good. If you want to really build a strong platform buy the Wini Derby from Rick, keep the derby permit in place, change the derby format, yearly if necessary, make it a 501C corporation so it is non profit and can seek donations and then use that money to help the fishery. (The LCI Derby has over 250,000 cash on hand). The advisory board should include captains, manufactuers, retailers, and fisherman. Myself and my three sons will help. There is power in numbers.

Re: Need some Help

im in trav.what ever i can do to help. thanks joe s....

Re: Need some Help

i like the idea, best with numbers. maybe set things up with a representative from a few groups at first as they know more about organizing things, try and get someone that leads your guides association, maybe some one from a lake association (im assuming but dont know if winni has one) maybe try and get a rep from a group like trout unlimited, the merideth rotary etc. use these people as mentors in the early stages founding things and getting organized, you dont want everything on one persons shoulders as its way to much. i know back in college our frat was big into community work, comes in handy when going against the city, you dont want to be the group thats blaming and pointing fingers, but the one thats doing their part to make things right in the community. might even help to contacrt a similar group in one of the neighboring states, its strange that winni doesnt have this already