Log On Today - Fish On Tomorrow! ™
(603) 731-1804 / (603) 344-8698
Hey CC why is it when someone makes a statement you want to fight Im not looking to fight just answered linemans post peace brother chill I realize there makeing a living. hugs & kisses SF
You have no idea what you are talking about! I could go on and explain but you wouldn't get it anyway! You go on a fishing guides web site and bash fishing guides? (you must wear custom taylored pants)... Whatever some people think Elvis is still alive I'm not going to bother trying to explain that to them either...
Cool Water
I have only been out a handful of times and will not be posting my results as much as I have in the past. I have been criticized by too many people to continue to provide tips and information to everyone on the open message board! Guy's like this Sea Fox have made me decide to just fish make my clients happy and do what I can to help the fishery with my hands on involvement with the NHSA the NHGA and now the Salmon Angler's Pledge! If ever anyone has a question they can call or E-Mail me.
Cool Water
A few years ago when fishing on Winni was excellent Charter Boats and Recreational Boats both posted reports with data and facts to both help other fisherman struggling or just starting out but also to help out their reputations as fisherman in the community. Like hunting guides, fishing guides have increased at an extreamly high rate over the past couple years.. Here is an FYI.. there isnt a million dollars in being a fishing hunting guide. What I am seeing is more and more people becoming guides for the status the lore of being a guide with no real intention other than taking friends and maybe undercutting prices to pay for gas and tackle, or treestands and game cameras. Dont get me wrong I really dont care who becomes a guide or who wants to claim they are guides but you know what, I am a guide and I do it as a job, like someone who might pump gas or someone who might pound nails. I am just trying to make a living and doing the best I can for my customers! Just like a gas attendant or roofer... I stay with in the laws governing my occupation just like a general contractor and I hope my service grows via word of mouth rather than advertising. I use to do all this while trying to help out other fisherman who maybe couldnt fish as much as I could or who couldnt afford to buy the equipment I have. Like being a roofer, the more you fish the better you get. If you only pounded nails every other saturday for 2 months you might look for advice from someone who does it daily. Travis and myself were asked.. requested to do seminars... to educate and help the avg angler become more effective while fishing. We did that together several times throughout NH, then we were targeted for being charter fishing guides on Lake Winni. Sounds like typical humanity as far as i'm concerned. I attend every fish and game meeting, I was on the board who purposed new fishing regulations to fish and game for salmon fishing. I dont do this cause I have to, I do it cause I want to. I love Salmon fishing, I loved it before I was a guide, I'll Love it after i'm done guiding and I have been doing it for years. I stopped posting messages with information A. Cause it has come to my attention that guys like Seafox and Kersten dont apprectiate it. and B. Cause I was asked not to. I apoligize to the others who used the information and appreciated it but like everything in this world, you can be a hero and then a zero in 24 hours. Just ask BIG PAPI!!!
Thanks to everyone...
The fish are hitting Rangley Specials right now!!!
Excellent reply Jay. Think you said it all there.
For the record I have been running max of 4 lines all season and will continue to do so regardless of how many clients I have.
ps don't be afraid to drop a rigger down to 20 ft especialy later in the morning thats been working pretty consistenly for me this spring
Trav and other charter captains,
Too bad it came to this. I too have decided to not post reports (but will respond to questions and requests for help). Mostly because it seems many are very sensitive right now about the future of the sport on the Big Lake. I understand the paranoia (fear and anger) this issue generated and thus can understand (though not excuse) comments like those posted here by Seafox and co. You guides have contributed so much to the success I have had over the past few years that I will always feel indebted to you for it....THANK YOU!
As for others looking for knowledge from guides on this site...there is lots of it if you search this board and this wealth of information will give you better understanding of exactly how much the guides have given to us....possibly to the detriment of the fishery. Don't think for a second that their hearts weren't and aren't in the right place.
Guides - I'm sure it's frustrating to read the posts on this thread but please be patient with some of the people who frequent the site less and haven't come to know you as long time members here have over the years...they too are looking for answers and are just expressing their frustration. We're all fishermen...lets stick together now that times are rough - it will come back around and I beleive that 100%
Travis - I actually got a report from one of your recent charters because it was from a guy on another site who was looking for a great charter while he was on leave - I pointed him to you and he posted the awesome day he had. Thank you for taking care of one of our "boys in uniform".
God bless!
Wow It's amazing how much I've missed being so busy with Student Teaching and all. What really irks me to no ends is people who write and make posts like the one above. Why is it we very rarely if ever see you guys (or girls) post regularly on this board??????? I've been a member of this board for over 5 years now (A happy one I might add, and a much better fisherman then when I started this thing they call fishing LOL) and It seems when one or two people Get upset, then they start posting total B____S___T Wake up and smell the coffee, one of the reasons they are not posting numbers like they used too (and they "the Guides" are not the only ones We've all done it in the past including myself) is they are trying to make a living, but at the same time fighting for our fishery and trying to make it better for not just them but all of us. Before you go bashing any of the guides on this site (and yes I know pretty much all of them) maybe you should get to know them personally, you couldn't find better stewards of our fishery. I met Travis around 6-7 years ago while unloading our boat at Center Harbor, He didn't know me from a hole in the wall, but when I walked up to him and started asking questions, he was more then willing to help me out courteously and politely even though he didn't have too and could have told me to buzz off. All I'm saying is even with all the information I've gotten off of this great site, For the life of me I still can't catch fish on Winni to save my life LOL and beleive me I've been on numerous charters and learned as much as I could. Now give me a lake in Maine or other NH lakes and I do fine, but I must of done something to P__S Off the winni gods cuz they hate me. The bottom line, don't hide behind a computer screen, if you have something to say to someone/anyone be a Real Man and either call them or set up a meeting and talk face to face, or if you feel that strongly get off of your backside and do what they are doing (attend meetings, speak with F & G, educate others-client, other fisherman etc... or join one of the new/old organizations where you can help to re-build and make our fishery bigger and better) If we all pitch in, we can once again have a great Fishery, But we all need to work together. Take Care God Bless LOL Dave
Oh the rancor. Sorry the guides are taking hits like this. Don't let wise remarks like this one get to you. Fishing is supposed to be fun! Some of my best buddies aren't even talking on the radio anymore, and thats one of the fun things. I'm an old dude now, and plan on enjoying this sport as long as I'm able. The guides, and a lot of the rest of us are trying to be good stewards of this cold water fishery. We are so lucky to have these beautiful lakes to enjoy. We have only kept one fish this year on my boat. All other fish have been released in good condition.
Hope everyone lightens up and has a great season!
Well Said Salty !!! Cal P.