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Recent developments

I'd picked up our daughter from school yesterday, and was driving her to her friend's house. The route we chose took us past the road to her own house, and while driving, we saw two people walking arm in arm. The woman was so fat that she took up the entire sidewalk, leaving the man to walk on the curb and in the road, and she was leaning very heavily on him, like she was injured or drunk.

It was ex and NW! We both lost it laughing. Not only was the NW leaning all over ex, but she had her 50-inch derriere crammed into a skin-tight pair of WHITE PANTS (with, eeeeuuuuwwwwww, no undergarments! )

This woman has always been sooooo proud of her "girlish figure", to the point where, even before she was dating my ex (well, dating as a euphemism for 'having sex with him anytime she could'), she would brag to anyone who listened about her so-called "twenty-six inch waist". News flash: can't maintain a 26" waist on a diet of Little Debbies, Twinkies, and fried food...!!!

The good news in all this, though: All I felt when I saw the two of them was disgust! Disgust over how they've let themselves go, how she was adhered to his arm like a barnacle, and disgust at him particularly because he could not wait to marry this creature and now look at the two of them -- gross, unhealthy, obese, and drug-addicted. I am so much better off without him!

Re: Recent developments

Absolutely good for you. We spend so long grieving often forgetting why we left in the first place.

Im so happy for you and maybe now you can be free to live your life to the fullest.

Re: Recent developments

Abbey, I feel as though that was the Universe's Yule gift to me! It felt SO GOOD to not care!

Re: Recent developments

Excellent gift for you!! Enjoy your holidays, enjoy your FREEDOM! No feeling sorry for him, it was his choice, what a "lovely" life he has, and what a TRULY amazing life is now yours!

Re: Recent developments

SS, you are so right! He is her problem now, and if the two of them are hideously bad for one another, so much the better, LOL! Once he cottons on to what a horrible mistake he made (which I give it six months or less ), well, tough noogies cause it's already too late.

Re: Recent developments

You just gave me hope. The woman my ex left me for apparently is the "perfect woman" size 5, that can't cook or clean. Now I can look forward to something in the long run. Thank you