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I love spending money on court

i don't know about you girls but spending my hard earned money on a lawyer because my ex is stupid it is WONDERFUL!!
My ex is taking me back to court to have the custody orders modified. Ready for the reasons???
He is taking me to court because HE can't pick up the kids on HIS scheduled weekends. The last time he took them for a full weekend was October. He had them for half a day the second weekend of December. Oh and he is taking me to court because HIS mother doesn't get to see the kids because HE lives in Maryland (I live in PA)
Last night he called me and asked if his Mom could pick the kids up for his visit because he had to work Saturday. In our orders it clearly states that if he is not going to be present for visits then the kids don't go. If he is going to be gone for more then 4 hours I get first right at the kids, he has to call me to watch the kids (that makes him SOOOOOOO mad ) I spend 5 hours in court making sure this order was put in place. I want to know who is watching my kids, not just any bimbo GF of his is going to be alone with MY kids.
Anyhoo, I am not a terrible person. I understand the need for a relationship with your grandparents. I love mine dearly, see them at least once a week and talk to them on the phone all the time and I'm in my 30s. Still call them "Nanny and Pappy" like a 5 year old
Now understand my ex's Mom. She literally live 10 houses down the road and had only stepped foot in my house 10 times in 6 years. The only time she seen my kids is when I would take them to see her or tell my ex it was time to go see his Mom. I am a Mommy's girl, there is nothing like a relationship with your mom so I pushed for my ex to have one with his. Why I don't know, she once told me she wish my ex would get shot in the head during the war, she was mad because he didn't call his Dad on his birthday (he was scheduled to be deployed to Iraq at the time) She said it would have made her life easier...she is a phyco. She told my kids (5 and 8 at the time) that I was going to hell. She told me that if her son would have shot himself the night he tried that it would have been all my fault because I was leaving him. And she told me that if I would have spent more time in the bar with my ex my marriage would have worked..who cares that we had children that needed to be raised right?!
Now would you give in and say "Oh yeah sure, I would love to give the kids to her"? NO! No normal person would. I believe she owes me a HUGE apology for the way she has been with me before I allow her to spend time with my kids.
If my ex wants his Mom to have a relationship with her HE can take them during his scheduled visitation. Oh yeah but that is my fault to. He can't come to get his kids because HE chose to move to Maryland.
I have a 30 minute recording of him telling me that I am a wh*re, that I am a unfit mother because back when I was 20 I didn't want to have kids. Oh yes that makes me a bad mom. Sorry I had just had a major surgery where my stomach was cut from top to bottom, we had only been married for 6 months and I didn't want to have kids??!! I am a TERRIBLE mother because of that. And him telling me he was taking me back to court because he couldn't make his visits.

I so hope he does. I think I will have is visits lowered if I can. He don't take them anyhow. So far he has missed all of November, had them for 12 hours in December, missed Christmas, never took his 48 hours between Christmas and New Years and didn't take them New YEars Day like he was scheduled to do and now he missed his first January visit. My attorney thinks I have a good chance at having it lowered. I have recordings of him saying all kinds of nasty degrading thins about me. I may be able to get him on that too I don't know. His GF calls me all kinds of names when my kids are there and that is a NO NO according to our orders. " Third party are forbidden to speak ill of either parent in around the children" (had to have that thrown in because of his Mother)

Am I crazy or is he just digging his own grave? I have recorded him saying that it is too much for him to come get the kids.
Sorry just had to vent out the events of my day. He is never going to leave me alone...I should/could have hired a hit man with the amount of money I have into an attorney

Re: I love spending money on court

I didn't get the whole post read but can tell you I'd do well to go burn off some of my anger tonight.

I do ok then it hits me like ton of bricks.
The total deceptions I endured.

Seems some people are put here to make our lives hell?
I don't get it either.

Re: I love spending money on court

Sorry it was a lot longer than I thought. I am quite windy sometimes
As angry as I am with my ex, I have my kids with me tonight and the rest of teh weekend so that puts me in a better mood.
Okay so they are fighting, tired from getting up at 6am all week for school and driving me NUTS right now but I all in all it makes me happy that they are here with me

Re: I love spending money on court

Yeah, I'm made of money. Any time we are blessed to spend time with our kids is a good time. I drop everything to have them near me. Keep us posted...

Re: I love spending money on court

The Flea, thinks because we were together for 20yrs he has the right to come and demand what he and Big Foot want in that moment. I have put my foot down several times and I have been told, I am a poor excuse of a mother, and a poor excuse of a woman that could not keep a man by her side, but on the flip side at least my kids do live with me, and want to be with me, unlike Big Foot's kid. So I have told The Flea, to ask Big Foot to come and teach to be the kind of mother and woman she is. That just gets The Flea mad.

Re: I love spending money on court

Yep, I get the same treatment from W.K. (finally a nickname that sticks - White Knight, for the complex that made him pick the Beast over me, LOL!) -- months of no contact, then phone calls/texts with ultimatums and "if you don't do X, then I will do Y, and so you had better do X", none of which is covered in our decree.

He's threatened to throw our oldest son out more than once because of Junior Beast's pathological lying, since, you see, JB can do no wrong and "she's a girl and she is seeennnnsitiiiiiiivvvve" (giant load of sh*te). The girl routinely makes **** up to get him, and his siblings, in trouble.

This is the same girl who invites her (male) friends over while the so-called adults are out, threatens the other kids with bodily harm (and MEANS IT)if they dare even think about saying anything about it, and then blames anything that is missing on my youngest son.

Re: I love spending money on court

Ex called last night and told me he wasn't getting the kids today because the weather is to bad. My oldest son just did a little "Hum" and walked away. He is tired of the excuses as well.
No matter what happens he will find something to blame his short comings on, even weather. He must be getting old, once upon a time he would drive in the middle of a blizzard to go have a shot of Jack at the bar, now a few flakes and he can't come see the boys. The weather is even challenging his own words from Friday's call "the boys are my life I would do anything for them"
Maybe we are living in bikini bottom and it's opposite day? (ah the wonderful spongebob, ugh)

Re: I love spending money on court

I know Jerk is so wrapped up into himself he believes his own lies and excuses. I truly don't think he's capable of seeing the reality of his shortcomings. I've helped by pointing them out to him, however.

Re: I love spending money on court

Don't you just love the fact you can actually throw their words in their face and then they don't have anything to say. I know I have giving the flea more access to our son, than he hasn't taken. So when he throws that in my face I ask him where, were you on this and this day I told you come, but your new life was more important than your own son, right. He just stops talking and won't answer anything. I say enjoy your kids and let him miss as much as he wants, one day he will be sorry then it will be too late. All I have asked him is to stay in my kids life, my kids are going to love him, through thick and thin but he is not willing to see that.