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One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

It is a disheartening fact that in the world today, there is a dramatic increase in the rate of divorce. Divorces happen because the couple is unwilling or unable to withstand the difficulties that factor into their relationship. Currently, over 2 million couples divorce every year. Sadly, a number of these could have been prevented if good communication was maintained. Keeping up acceptable levels of affection, trust, romance, communication, attraction and compassion in your marriage is never an easy task, but if you want to save your marriage it s something you need to consider.

It s typical for couples to have misunderstandings once in a while. When a couple starts to live a married life together they continuously discover each other s individuality. As a couple truly discovers what it s like to live with each other each and every day, differences will come to light and misunderstandings will occur. In an ideal situation, a couple could sit together and peacefully and openly discuss their issues and do their best to arrive at an acceptable resolution. But life is not always ideal and so we are left to deal with things the best we can.

So what if you had one week to save your marriage? Do you think you could do it? Here are some tips that can help save your marriage:

1.Try to avoid asking questions that provoke negative responses. No one wants to be put on the defensive or made to feel negatively about themselves. It is not a pleasant experience so why would you want to do that to the one person you once vowed to love and cherish and support above all others? No good can come from it. Every time that trust becomes an issue in marriage or in any relationship for that matter, one side starts to scrutinize the other s every move. Where are they? What are they doing? Why are they doing that? What does it mean?

It might be hard to prevent your partner from acting this way, but you can do your part by refusing to practice such behavior yourself. Unless there is credible reason to doubt your partner, keep your suspicions to yourself as much as possible until you have more information.

2.Practice unconditional love. As the word itself says, unconditional love is a love that knows no condition, a love that knows no bounds. In other words, it s a selfless love. This kind of love helps you see past your spouse s imperfections and limitations. Unconditional love conquers all.

3.Practice being a good, faithful, supportive spouse or partner. When you fail oe feel defeated by a problem or situation you ve had to deal with, try to learn from it and chalk it to experience. Allow yourself to grow and become better. Be humble enough to admit when you ve made a mistake because through that experience you can become a more mature individual and a better spouse. Make your partner realize the importance of your relationship and marriage to you, make sure he or she knows how much you are willing to work and fight for its survival.

4.Learn how to avoid these relationship killers :
Not keeping your promises
Letting your pride rule your emotions and actions
Disregarding your partner s feelings and concerns
Being persistent about doing things or being around people your spouse does not like or approve of
Being unable to control one s temper and emotions
Disrespecting your partner
Lying. Trust is crucial.

By keeping these things in mind, saving your marriage in one week is not an impossible task. It might not be that easy, but as long as you will make your best efforts to work through your marital issues by being as open and honest and compassionate as you can, you stand a good chance of succeeding. Best of luck. For more of my FREE tips check out http://divorce-info.net/


Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

I worked for years to save my marriage. I could-and did-do practicially everything on that list, but if the other person isn't committed it won't work. Wish now I'd done if for just a week and called it quits then!

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

I did the same thing for 20 yrs and it never worked. It just got worse and worse until the day I threw him out. The best day of my life.

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

As is well known, it takes two. One person can't keep a marriage going if the other simply won't.

I always wonder about people who post on this forum with links to their web sites. Are they legit? or are they using us to promote their business.

If you are legit, sorry, I didn't click on your link.

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

Linda, I truly feel you mean well with your posting but question whether you have read many of the postings on this site. Most of the women, myself included have been cheated on, lied to, disrespected, and in some cases abused emotionally & phsically. Despite all of this many of us have forgiven our husbands multiple times, encouraged them to go to counseling, & done everything we could to make the marriage work. Respect, sincerity & willingness to commit takes 2. Quite frankly, if I could go back to the moment I read a love note to my husband from another woman that ended with did you enjoy the underwear I sent you, I would have left that very moment! "certainly not giving him a week to change our marriage!"

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

I'm with the others, it takes 2. I tried all this repeatedly. Didn't work!

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

Add me to the list. Tried for 20 years. Some marriages can't be saved and some marriages aren't worth saving. It's important to be able to recognize this and know when letting go is the healthiest thing to do.

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

I tried as well. But like Sue if I could pick the one moment I should have left it would have been the night my ex needed to rid himself of his guilt and told me he cheated ( with the woman he is with now) That was almost 9 years ago, I was 5 months pregnant with our first child and going through a horrible time ( my cousin/bf was murdered a week before, he always did have good timing) What a fool I was thinking he would never cheat again....
Most of us posting here are going through divorce because either we or our ex's are done. 9 times out of 10 it's to late. A post like this should be on it's very own forum A "I want to save my marriage" forum. Here it just adds insult to injury.

Re: One Week to Save Your Marriage: Exhausting Every Way There Is

This is instrumental for people who have no valid reason to divorce I think. Maybe for those who just arent seeing eye-to-eye or having a communication breakdown. I dont think this works for people like myself who have a (ex)husband who is a habitual liar and constantly says he will change and grow and then never does. Its not for the wife that has give 110% only to get spat on (metaphorically speaking). If the husband/wife just does NOT want it to work, then you can try all you want...as I did...and the only response from him was "I have to get it when I get it....I have to want it for myself....I'll grow when I need to".... I have been used for everything from money to sex to knowledge. I have shed blood, sweat, tears, and more tears. The greatest part about it is that I have only been married for 3 YEARS (in Feb). I am exhausted from "fighting for my marriage" all alone, while he does what he wants to do.....apologizes, and then a week or two or three later we are RIGHT BACK to where we were the weeks prior with NO significant change or concern about my feelings or well being. I was NEVER priority and competed with everything and everyone. SO....I say all this to say (sorry for the wordiness) that it really DOES have to be acquiesced between BOTH parties.