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WK has, yet again, failed to provide adequately for my children. I had the oldest two for the day on Saturday. Dropped daughter at her friend's house, brought son home -- and he was locked out!! So, I got hold of # 3 son and asked if he were at home, or if # 2 son were, and they had both gone with WK and the Beast to wherever the two of those brain trusts had gone. Therefore, # 1 son had to use unorthodox means to get into his own house. This should never have been the case! He is of age, he should have a gorram house key, as should all my kids.

Guess who has the only key to that house? That's right -- The Beast!!! I strongly believe that she will not "allow" my kids to have keys because she thinks they will somehow "accidentally" give me one. I have no interest. But this is the level of paranoia she has...loser.


Know what? My stbx still has a key to my house and my kids know where the spare is. I also know where a spare is to his house. You never know when there may be an emergency and need to help the kids. My oldest forgot some homework at his house one day and we were able to retrieve it. I respected that it was his home and I did not go inside. I did try to call him and when he didn't answere I did leave a message. I know that for many of you you can not trust the X with a key or knowledge of, and I understand that. But at the very least your kids should have access to the home.


I agree that they should absolutely have their own keys. After I left the original home, I kept my keys for 4 months. When it became apparent that WK and the Beast were sticking to one another, I went to the house, picked up a load of my stuff, and left the keys on the kitchen table.

That, however, was not the way that WK and I had decided that I would hand them back. He didn't care that I had keys. He was quite pleased about it, actually, because our youngest had a habit of chronically misplacing his own, and WK knew that if I were available, I could swing by, let the boy borrow my key to get in, and go on my merry way. It was a good system, it worked for ALL of us...except for the Beast, of course! She resented the he11 out of it! Various remarks to the tune of "it's my house, not hers, she has no right, blah blah blah, how do we know she won't come into OUR BEDROOM and do things to MY STUFF", yap yap yap. So, as you may have figured out, I have reasons for thinking that she's behind the "my kids get no keys" action. Sooo annoying.