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Selling the house

Well, I filed papers with the realtor Monday. Still waiting for Jerk to go in and sign and give a little more information about a few things I didn't know. I came home and told me kids and all he11 broke loose. I had to muster up every last bit of strength I had to make it through Monday night. Kids were beginning to see some possibilities for our future by the time they went to bed-at 10:30!

So Tuesday I go to the bankruptcy attorney (which is killing me as it is) and more road blocks. My attorney keeps telling me it will be ok, we just have to make the divorce agreement and bankruptcy paperwork mesh. Left there wanting to throw up.

Had a call on the house already today. Market around here is REALLY slow so I honestly expect(ed) to be here for awhile yet. I do need to sell, but an imediate sale would throw me into a tail spin.

Seems like my strength is waning. I'm keeping faith and have had to relinquish control to a higher power. I'm sure there is a plan (isn't there?) if I'm patient and listen, but boy is that hard! I feel like I'm getting hit with something every direction I turn.

Re: Selling the house

hang in there - a lot easier said than done. maybe your house it meant to sell so you can get a fresh start on your new life. i know the move and saying goodbye to house will be hard but i believe that things happen for a reason and that there is a bigger plan. stay strong and keep your faith - everything will work out!! will keep you in my thoughts.

Re: Selling the house

I agree...things happenf for a reason. I'd feel so much better about selling the house IF I knew where we were moving to : |

Re: Selling the house

I have never felt so scared about my future until this whole separation and divorce process. I can only imagine how your feeling right now. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

P.S. Connecting with you the other ladies has been such a help for me and I don't feel so alone.