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separation or divorce or annulment?

My husband and i have 5 kids together.the kids are all grown up and independent.i can't stay with him anymore.it's been intolerable.he's still living at home but i want him to leave.all the bills(mortgage,utility,car loans)are all under my name.he's really never helped me.he bought food.he married me a few months prior to my departure to America.we had the 5 kids without him offering marriage and i never asked.i've caught him several times with younger women but he always blamed me for neglecting my duties to him.he is very verbally abusive.some of my kids are planning to drop his last name and take mine.one of them already did.he doesn't really have a relationship with them. what shall i do?

Re: separation or divorce or annulment?

Do you live in a state that has common law marriage rules. If not since you never married I don't think you can divorce. Separation means you hope to get back together, which I doubt. Pretty sure you can't get an annulment without being married either.
Since everything is your name I think you should just kick him out. You may want to consult with a lawyer first just to cover yourself.

Re: separation or divorce or annulment?

I did see that she is married.
Here is my 2 cents on the three
Separation- Don't believe that it is legit. Sorry but to me separation is just another form of cheating. Only both sides agree. My ex and I have been "separated" for 2 years (just until the divorce goes through). HE is sleeping with someone else. Only difference from when we were married is I KNOW about it and don't give 2 sh*ts. It is a courts way of saying there is hope. A free for all so to speak. I'm "separated" so I can still benefit from the marital benefits. Such as medical insurance and if I so choose to I can sleep with every Tom Dick and Harry out there and NOT have to answer to my husband. It's living life on a double sided sword.
Call me stupid (I'm not Catholic) but can you get an annulment with 5 kids? And having lived together before marriage? Like I said I am not Catholic but my ex was and I know there are some rules about things like this. I just don't know the rules. He talked about annulment but (again) I'm not Catholic and the Catholic church doesn't even consider us married. That and I don't believe in annulment. To me it's divorce or stay married. If you are hoping to stay together with your husband but need time separately for a while to see if both of you are happier with or without each other. But if I were you I would make sure it's not a "free for all" separation and just a "time ALONE" separation. I wouldn't want my ex back knowing he slept around during a separation time period. HE is a dog as it is.
But who am I? I truly don't know anything but what I have gone through and I wanted the divorce 100%

Re: separation or divorce or annulment?

I'm not clear on wether or not you are married to him. If you are not married, I know someone this happened to. They lived together for 7 or 8 years and split up. She went to an attorney who said she should get a divorce because there was community property.

Not sure that a divorce was all that necessary without a marriage, but it seems that there should at least be some agreement on who gets what.

Re: separation or divorce or annulment?

I'm not Catholic, either, and do not know the "rules". What I do know is I have a friend that found out a year (or 2) into her marriage that her husband had at one time shaken a girlfriend's baby and caused it serious harm. She moved out the next day, filed for divorce and annullment. She said it cost her an additional $1000 to get the annullment.

Re: separation or divorce or annulment?

I am with the ladies, if everything is under your name ask him to leave. I know in some cases of verbal abuse the police will ask the abuser to get out of the house. Look for an attorney and ask for advice if you are not married just remove him from your home, if you are married just filed. It is sometimes to just move on without that person that is bring you down than to stay with him/her for the wrong reasons. Keep us posted and take care