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Re: Healing through divorce

You are in my prayers! How wonderful not to have to live niext door to him. Enjoy your new apartment!

Re: Healing through divorce

Congrats! That is great news! I am so happy for you. This will definitely help you get a fresh start on your life. It's like the beginning of the next chapter in a book. I wish you all the best.

Re: Healing through divorce

I am really happy for you!! I cannot wait until the day I can get away too, so for now I will rejoice in your good fortune that you are getting away and getting free and will not have to put up with the daily reminder of what happened! So they can live their stupid lives and you can live your beautiful life so there! I REALLY hope that one day I can share my own good news with everyone, hearing yours lifts my spirits, thanks for letting us know! You will certainly stay in my prayers!

Re: Healing through divorce

So glad you shared you news with us. Time to celebrate a new beginning.

Re: Healing through divorce

I'm so happy for you. Now you can be your own person and live a much better life.

At the moment, I'm actually without a home. I signed the house over to him during the divorce and have 3 months to leave. We built this house together 20 years ago. Now I'm a guest here.

I'll be moving 135 miles from here to be near my daughter. I got just enough out of the settlement to get a very small house.

Good luck and much happiness in your new home.

Re: Healing through divorce

Just Me, continue to focus on the great things ahead-being closer to your daughter and beginning a new chapter of your life in which you can do what YOU want to do, when YOU want to do it. I understand your challenges leaving the house you helped build. Focus on ways you can fix up your little house and make it cute and cozy-reflecting YOU and things YOU like. A house is not what makes a home a home, but the love and atmosphere inside turn a house into a home. Thinking of you.

Re: Healing through divorce

Yeah for you. I have at least 4 more years of living next to my ex. Praying he moves the minute or youngest graduates HS.
Enjoy your new start.

Re: Healing through divorce

thanks so much....prayer works

Re: Healing through divorce


Re: Healing through divorce

Thank you so much!!! I will continue to prayer for you also....let go and let GOD!

Re: Healing through divorce

Thanks so much!!!!

Re: Healing through divorce

Thanks so much! I will continue to pray for you, be greatful for your small home. It is yours...trust me, things will work out! Keep the faith!!!

Re: Healing through divorce

Thanks so much!!!!