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Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

My suggestion to you is to do anything & everything that makes you feel good & avoid anything that makes you feel bad. Surround yourself with good, positive & nurturing people. I try to adhere to this yet regress some days but that is ok too. Pray, have faith & keep telling yourself that you will get through this. I had an emotional meltdown the other day & almost contacted my husband after a year of no contact. I talked myself out of it, thank GOD! The next day I was horrified that I even had considered this. It takes time. You will get through this & come out of it a stronger, happier, independent woman. I know it is absolutely brutal but I have to believe this b/c it keeps me moving forward most days.

Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

Everything others posted is good advice. A great therapist helped me to get through the worst of it. I also had to go on anti-depressants (I really didn't what to but could not after 3 months feel like I could put my loved ones through watching me cry at the drop of a hat. Never knew when it was going to hit and there was no way to stop it). I was reassured by my therapist and health care provider that there was no shame in having to take them. Didn't stop the tears 100% or make the pain go completely away, just made it easier to get through.

In the process of surviving my 2nd divorce. (First after 3 yrs, second after 19).My head KNEW that eventually the pain will go away but my heart was still hurting. It's been almost a year since he moved out, 5 months since the divorce was final, still think about him everyday although more with hatred now then sadness (and it makes me sad that it has come to this). Finally quit crying as often but bald myself to sleep 2 nights ago because once again he is thinking the worst of me. He believes I did something I didn't (not sure WHY I care).

You didn't say if you have kids. Easier if you don't, means you don't have to continue to deal with him after the divorce. I didn't the 1st time, do this time.

Here's what advice I have for whatever you want to take from it.

Accept whatever help your offered. An ear, someone to be with you on the really hard days (holidays, anniversary, birthday, day of divorce, ect.)

Take good care of yourself. Take your vitamins, eat. You'll feel stronger and more able to deal with the pain.

Do things for YOURSELF that you haven't been able to. (I now have house cats who make me LAUGH). I went out and bought a new (2nd hand) bed frame and rearranged my bedroom. Ex didn't want cats in the house and I was constantly blamed that there was no money while rarely spending any on myself.

Try to keep yourself BUSY.

Jump into a new relationship. You need time to heal. Everything I read says rebound relationships rarely work long term. We tend to be attracted to the same type of person we just lost.

Let yourself use alcohol as an escape. I did this time and am now fighting to break that crutch.

Let him make all the decisions. It is no longer about trying to make him happy but doing what is best for YOU. It is hard for us to do this after years of conditioning but important for our well-being.

Hang in there and know we are here for you.

Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

Ah, you hit a chord with me.

Don't: 'Let him make all the decisions. It is no longer about trying to make him happy but doing what is best for YOU. It is hard for us to do this after years of conditioning but important for our well-being.'

Yep, I have been conditioned to keep the boat from rocking, and even though I do stand up for myself, I always cringe and wonder what the fall-out will be.

Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

It stinks and it's a roller coaster ride, but that is normal. I went straight to the church, prayed with my pastor and left with the name of a faith based counselor. I sent out an e-mail and told my friends, briefly, what happened and asked them to pray for me. Perhaps that sounds a little vain, but I couldn't yet talk about it that easy and I wanted these people to know what I was going through. They can't help you if they don't know. I reached out and people surrounded me with love, understanding and kindness. Talking about it helps me. I try not to be overbearing to my friends, so I vent on this site. Hugs and prayers.

Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

I still cringe also but try not to let it stop me. Praying someday that part goes away.

Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

Pain for me is just but a state of mind. What I mean is, you should get yourself busy. Be brave and try to get familiarized with the basic laws on divorce.

Re: Any suggestions on how to deal with the pain??

therapy, walking. Lots and lots of walking helped me- and I lost weight from it, too. Still in therapy. Not walking in winter, much though. Also: I discovered that sometimes I have to get throguh the day minute by minute, hour by hour. It helps to not try to think too far ahead OR behind. Whenever I get caught up thinking about his affair and the endless lies it is like drowning. When I start thinking of things that are improving about my life, I feel like I will someday be ok. Just don't expect to feel better all of a sudden, either. It is like a roller coaster. Some days ok, some awful, some great. Minute by minute, hour by hour...