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something to think about

You know, he wasn't that great to begin with.

Nobody really liked him that much. They just tolerated him because you loved him and they love you. He looked nice because you made sure he had clean and ironed clothes. You packed his lunch for him every day because you loved him and too if you hadn't, he would have spent too much money you didn't have on junk food. You made sure the oil was changed on his car regularily and that there was gas in the tank so he would be sure to go to work. Sometimes you even got up and turned the car on first thing in the morning so he would not have to get in a cold car. You bought all the gifts for his family and sent all the cards signed by you both so he would look good. You told him all the time that he looked handsome and smelled good because you loved him and hoped he would in turn say how pretty you were and how much he loved you. You worked while he went to school. You worked a night-job so you could be with the kids during the day because you could not bear putting your tiny baby in day care. When he had his family over and did a big fancy BBQ he got all the praise while you cleaned up the pots and pans and took out the trash. You were the one who helped with the homework night after night and he is the one who just "showed up" at the school program at the last minute and then left early.

What am I trying to say?

That you are the super star. You are the one who held it all together. That he should be the one crying and not you. That now you need to put some time and energy and money into you. Do something that makes you feel good and pretty and confident. Make new friends. Get a new hobby. Travel. Find something to occupy your time and your mind. Make big memories with your children. Focus on you and not on him.

He really wasn't that great to begin with. And too he will be his own worst enemy. I pity the woman who married my former spouse. I tried to warn her but she would not listen.

Begin your bigger and better life today. Looking good and being happy and being successful is the very best revenge.


Re: something to think about

I was reading your post I thought did I black out and type this? lol

It is amazing how so many men are the same creature with different skin.

But the coolest part is you obviously know you are amazing and with out you his survival rate dropped from 98% to maybe 8%. So you have that to look forward to! lol

Re: something to think about

Did we live in the same house?

Re: something to think about

Thanks for that. You are so right.

Re: something to think about

That was refreshing. Thanks for posting. I think many of our men realize what they have lost once we are gone. They never realize how much we did for them and how dramatically their lives were changed because of us. Regardless, we are strong women and we'll make it through. This post just reminded me that we should all be proud of ourselves and take pride in the fact that regardless of what we have gone through in dealing with our exes...we made it through and have become better people because of it.

We are strong and still thriving!