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Giving very serious consideration to advertizing for a FEMALE roommate to share my large house with myself and teenage son. Will use rent money to pay down my loan. Feel this is the only way I can keep my house past CS and maintenance.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Roomate

Check the local tax laws. Where I am rent counts as income and is thus taxable and you can get into trouble and have to pay a lot in penalties etc. It's not a bad idea in my opinion.

Another idea to pick a roommate is to interview each candidate to get a feel for the person. A couple of friends of mine in the states have had a lot of success in that.

Good Luck!

Re: Roomate

If you check with your tax person they can also tell you what you would be able to write off.

Re: Roomate

Look very carefully. There are some nut jobs out there. I would suggest you get an older woman.

Re: Roomate

There are websites that will help with finding a roommate. Co-abode is one and there are otheres.
Caution on the idea is your ex does not like this idea. I was told that mine could ask for the kids full time if I did this.

Re: Roomate

Good move!...You will receive some rental income. Read up on being a landlord and ask for 50% security deposit up front. Have the tenant sign a tenant agreement and lay down the rules (ie. noise after 11pm, parking, smoking, partying, etc...)

Then, ask your friends for referrals...sometimes they know people who would need a suite.

If it gets too much for you, hire a property management outfit to interview but you would pay them a fee....but it is worry free because they do all the screening...(and the evictions too!)

Sometimes, if you are lucky you will get a tenant who will also become your friend.