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Re: Husband wants my wedding ring back to "hock for money"

I sure wouldn't give it to him. In fact, I would act like you thought HE had it and ask for it because you need to hock it to pay the power bill.

When I got seperated and on my way to divorce, I took some of my jewelry to the pawn shop and sadly it was not worth much. Was worth just the weight of gold--not the stones. Of course the price of gold has gone up allot since then so you might have better luck. I ended up giving away my wedding set and other pieces because I did not want to look at them. Unhappy memories. Then I went on Ebay and bought myself some new jewelry very reasonably. That is an idea--try to sell it on Ebay or the local Mule Trader or something like that.

Good luck to you and please do not give him anything that you could use to benefit yourself or your children.