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Re: Emotionally abusive ex

First of all, I am so sorry you are going through this. Second of all, I am dealing with similar issues. My 4 year old daughter and I were so close before the divorce and she barely had a relationship with her dad. Now she barely wants anything to do with me. My heart is broken. Parental alienation is form of child abuse and the courts take it very seriously. You should go to the self help section of court and find out what you can do. Sending you virtual hugs.

Re: Emotionally abusive ex

I can relate to not getting all of my child support

My ex’s friend tricked me into putting joint custody into our divorce decree

We all knew that the kids would never stay overnight with him because he moved in with his parents

I didn’t realize that my child support was cut in half because the judge read the decree and thought that the kids would only be with me half the time

I didn’t realize this until years later when I really looked at details of divorce decree and saw how often the children were supposed to live with him.

One of my daughters was so angry that I couldn’t give her more money